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Syncing FSM Data to Building Optimization Broker

After you have configured the FSM Integration and the settings in your FSM software, your data synchronizes to Building Optimization Broker. If you unchecked the Enable Auto-Sync checkbox, the initial sync is automatically performed.

If you are using WennSoft's Signature, you will be utilizing Map2BOB to map your Signature and BOB entities. You will not use the Sync FSM Data to BOB option.

To view your ERP Data: 

  1. Select the App Drawer.

  2. Select IoT Hub

  3. From the IoT Hub dashboard, on the FSM Integrations card, select Manage FSM Integrations OR select the  FSM Integrations icon from the left navigation.

  4. On the FSM Integrations dashboard, select the ellipsis icon to the right of the FSM Integration to be configured.

  5. Select Manage FSM Integration.

  6. Refresh the browser window and the FSM data displays the uploaded inventory. You will see a list of Customers, Technicians, and Service Statuses.

Manually Syncing Signature Data to Building Optimization Broker

To manually synchronize the Signature Data:

  1. Select the App Drawer.

  2. Select IoT Hub

  3. From the IoT Hub dashboard, on the FSM Integrations card, select Manage FSM Integrations  OR select the FSM Integrations icon from the left navigation.

  4. On the FSM Integrations dashboard, select the ellipsis icon to the right of the FSM Integration to be configured.

  5. Select Manage Integration.

  6. In the FSM Integrations Actions panel, select Sync FSM Data to BOB.

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