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K2A Rule Library

The following table lists the available K2A Rules:

Rule Name


Equipment/System Types

Required Sensor Types

Air Filter Alarm

The air filter is dirty and needs to be replaced.

AHU (All Types), Heat Pump, RTU

Air Filter Alarm Status

Ceiling Heat Stratification - High Discharge Air Temperature in Heating Mode (HWV)

Stratification in Ceiling Discharge and Return Applications ONLY

Discharge Temperature is more than 15°F above the space temp in heating mode.

VAV (All Types), AHU (All Types), Unit Ventilator, Heat Pump (All Types), Fan Coil, Duct Reheat, Unit Heater

Supply Air Temperature

Space Air Temperature

Supply Valve Position Command

Occupancy Command

Chw_Chiller Failed

The chiller is in a diagnostic shutdown condition.

Chiller (All Types)

Alarm Status

Chw_High Approach Temperature

The Chiller Approach Temperature is more than 6 deg during near full load conditions. 

Chiller (All Types)

Compressor Capacity

Supply Water Temperature

Evaporator Saturated Refrigerant Temperature


Chw_High Chiller Power Usage

The Chiller Compressor Capacity is more than 110%. 

Chiller (All Types)


Compressor Capacity

Chw_High Chw Delta T

The Chilled Water Delta Temp is greater than 10 degrees.

Chiller (All Types)

Supply Water Temperature

Return Water Temperature


Chw_High Chw Temp

The Chiller's Supply Water Temperature is more than 3 degrees above the Supply Water Temperature Setpoint.

Chiller (All Types)

Supply Water Temperature Setpoint

Supply Water Temperature


Chw_High Pressure

The Chiller's Supply Water Pressure is more than 10% above the Supply Water Pressure Setpoint. 

Chiller (All Types)

Supply Water Pressure

Supply Water Pressure Setpoint


Chw_High Tower Temp

The Leaving Tower Water Temp is more than 3 degrees above the setpoint.

Cooling Tower (All Types)

Supply Water Temperature Setpoint

Supply Water Temperature


Chw_Low Ambient Operation

The Chiller is operating while the ambient air temperature is less than 50 deg and could support economizing.

Chiller (All Types)

Outside Air Temperature


Chw_Low Approach Temperature

The Chiller Approach Temperature is less than 4 deg during near full load conditions. 

Chiller (All Types)

Compressor Capacity

Supply Water Temperature

Evaporator Saturated Refrigerant Temperature


Chw_Low Chiller Power Usage

The Chiller Compressor Capacity is less than 25%. 

Chiller (All Types)


Compressor Capacity

Chw_Low Chw Delta T

The Chilled Water Delta Temp is less than 6 degrees.

Chiller (All Types)

Supply Water Temperature

Return Water Temperature


Chw_Low Chw Temp

The Chiller's Supply Water Temperature is more than 3 degrees below the Supply Water Temperature Setpoint.

Chiller (All Types)

Supply Water Temperature Setpoint

Supply Water Temperature


Chw_Low Pressure

The Chiller's Supply Water Pressure is more than 10% below the Supply Water Pressure Setpoint. 

Chiller (All Types)

Supply Water Pressure

Supply Water Pressure Setpoint


Chw_Low Tower Temp

The Leaving Tower Water Temp is more than 3 degrees below the setpoint.

Cooling Tower (All Types)

Supply Water Temperature Setpoint

Supply Water Temperature


Chw_Tower Freeze Alert

The Tower Water Leaving is less than 38 deg.

Cooling Tower (All Types)

Supply Water Temperature

Compressor Run Failure

The compressor is calling to run but is not running.

AHU (All Types), CRAC, CRAHU, Freezer, Heat Pump, RTU, Refrigerator, Split System

Compressor Command, Compressor Status

Compressor Running When Unoccupied

The compressor has statuses on when equipment is unoccupied.

AHU (All Types), CRAC, CRAHU, Freezer, Heat Pump, RTU, Refrigerator, Split System

Compressor Status, Occupancy Command

Damper Actuator Problem

Opening the damper is not increasing airflow, indicating that the damper is not moving properly.

VAV, Constant Volume Box

Supply Air Flow Delta over last hour, Supply Damper Position Command Delta over last hour

Dirty Air Filter

The air filter is dirty and needs to be replaced.

AHU (All Types), Heat Pump, RTU

Air Filter Alarm Status

Dirty Water Filter

The water filter is dirty and needs to be replaced.

Condenser Water

Water Filter Alarm Status

Discharge Static Pressure is Low

Discharge Air Static Pressure is below the Discharge Air Static Pressure Setpoint by 30% or more.

AHU, Heat Pump, Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Discharge Air Pressure

Discharge Air Pressure Setpoint

Occupancy Command

Discharge Static Pressure is High

Discharge Air Static Pressure is above the Discharge Air Static Pressure Setpoint by 30% or more.

AHU, Heat Pump, Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Discharge Air Pressure

Discharge Air Pressure Setpoint

Occupancy Command

Domestic System Low Temperature

The supply water temperature from the domestic hot water system is below 122 degrees F.

Domestic Hot Water

Supply Water Temperature

Domestic System Unsafe High Temperature

The supply water temperature from the domestic hot water system exceeds 150 degrees F.

Domestic Hot Water

Supply Water Temperature

Duct Static Pressure Reset Failure

Supply Air Pressure Setpoint is a constant value over a 24-hour period, indicating no duct static pressure reset.


Supply Air Pressure Setpoint Min for 1 hour, Supply Air Pressure Setpoint Max for 1 hour

Economizer is enabled but not operating

Economizer mode enabled but not operating, unit is not in free cooling mode (Enable Status)

Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Generic), AHU (Variable Volume), AHU (Constant Volume), Energy Recovery Unit

Economizer Damper Position Command

Makeup Damper Position Command

Supply Fan Command

Economizer is operating when not enabled

Economizer mode is disabled but is operating in free cooling mode.

AHU (Constant Volume), Energy Recovery Unit, Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Generic), AHU (Variable Volume)

Economizer Damper Position Command

Makeup Damper Position Command

Equipment Run Failure

Equipment is commanded on but is not running.


Command, Status

Equipment Running More than 16 Hours Per Day

Equipment is running for more than 16 hours per day.



Equipment Running When Unoccupied

Equipment is running when not occupied to run.


Occupancy Command, Status

Fan Failure

The fan is commanded On but the Fan Status indicates it's Off

AHU, Heat Pump, Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Supply Fan Command

Supply Fan Status

Fan On when not Commanded

The fan is running when commanded 'Off'

AHU, Heat Pump, Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Supply Fan Command

Supply Fan Status

Fan Status is False When Fan Command is True

The fan is commanded On but the Fan Status indicates it's Off.

Heat Pump, AHU (Generic), Exhaust Fan, Condensing Unit, Unit Heater, AHU (Constant Volume), Cooling Tower, Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, AHU (Variable Volume), Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Evaporative Condenser, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit, VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), Unit Ventilator, Cooling Tower (Closed Loop), Energy Recovery Unit, AHU (Generic), AHU (Constant Volume), VAV (Reheat), Energy Recovery Unit

Supply Fan Command

Supply Fan Status

High Average Return CO2

Return CO2 average levels are above the active/effective return CO2 setpoint

AHU (Variable Volume), AHU (Constant Volume), AHU (Generic), Energy Recovery Unit, Packaged Rooftop Unit

Motion Sensor Status

Return Air CO2

Return Air CO2 Setpoint

High Average Space CO2

Space CO2 average levels are above the active/effective space CO2 setpoint

VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Cooling Only), Energy Recovery Unit, VAV (Reheat), VAV (Generic), Packaged Rooftop Unit, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), AHU (Generic), Exhaust Fan, VAV (Dual Duct), AHU (Constant Volume), Fan Coil, AHU (Variable Volume)

Motion Sensor Status

Space Air CO2

Space Air CO2 Setpoint

High Condenser Approach

Condenser approach temperature is in excess of 4 degrees, indicating fouled tubes.


Condenser Leaving Water Temperature, Condenser Saturated Refrigerant Temperature, Enable, Compressor Capacity

High Discharge Air Temperature in Cooling Mode w/ DAT setpoint

The cooling component is "ON" and the discharge temperature is more than 5°F above the effective discharge temperature setpoint.

Packaged Rooftop Unit, VAV (Dual Duct), Blower Coil, VAV (Reheat), AHU (Variable Volume), AHU (Generic), AHU (Constant Volume), Energy Recovery Unit, VAV (Generic), Water Source Heat Pump, VAV (Cooling Only), Ductless Split System, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), Unit Ventilator, Fan Coil

Supply Air Temperature

Supply Air Temperature Setpoint

Cooling Command

Occupancy Command

High Discharge Air Temperature in Cooling Mode w/ DAT Setpoint (CHW)

The Chilled Water Valve is open more than 50% and the discharge temperature is more than 5°F above the effective discharge temperature setpoint.

VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), Fan Coil, Ductless Split System, AHU (Generic), Unit Ventilator, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), VAV (Generic), Duct Reheat, Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Constant Volume), VAV (Cooling Only), AHU (Variable Volume), Blower Coil, VAV (Dual Duct), Water Source Heat Pump, VAV (Reheat), Energy Recovery Unit

Supply Air Temperature

Supply Air Temperature Setpoint

Cooling Valve Position Command

Occupancy Command

High Discharge Air Temperature in Cooling Mode w/out DAT Setpoint (CHW)

The Chilled Water Valve is open more than 50% and the Discharge Temperature is less than 5°F below the space temp.

VAV (Cooling Only), Blower Coil, Unit Ventilator, AHU (Generic), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), AHU (Constant Volume), AHU (Variable Volume), Packaged Rooftop Unit, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), VAV (Generic), VAV (Dual Duct), Energy Recovery Unit

Supply Air Temperature

Cooling Valve Position Command

Space Air Temperature

Occupancy Command

High Discharge Air Temperature in Heating Mode with DAT setpoint (HWV)

Discharge air temperature is above discharge air setpoint by 5°F or more.

Duct Reheat, VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Generic), AHU (Constant Volume), AHU (Generic), Unit Heater, Blower Coil, Unit Ventilator, VAV (Reheat), Packaged Rooftop Unit, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), AHU (Variable Volume), Fan Coil, VAV (Dual Duct), Energy Recovery Unit

Supply Air Temperature

Supply Valve Position Command

Supply Air Temperature Setpoint

Occupancy Command

High Discharge Air Temperature in Heating Mode w/out DAT setpoint

Heating is "ON" and the discharge air temperature is more than 30°F above the space temperature.

VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Duct Reheat, VAV (Generic), VAV (Cooling Only), Unit Heater, Energy Recovery Unit, AHU (Generic), VAV (Dual Duct), AHU (Constant Volume), Blower Coil, Ductless Split System, VAV (Reheat), Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Variable Volume), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), Fan Coil

Supply Air Temperature

Heating Load

Space Air Temperature

Occupancy Command

High Discharge Air Temperature in Heating Mode w/out DAT setpoint (HWV)

Hot Water Valve is greater than 30% and the discharge temperature is more than 30°F above the space temperature.

VAV (Generic), AHU (Variable Volume), AHU (Constant Volume), Duct Reheat, Unit Ventilator, AHU (Generic), VAV (Dual Duct), Fan Coil, VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), Blower Coil, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit, Unit Heater, VAV (Reheat), Water Source Heat Pump, Energy Recovery Unit

Supply Air Temperature

Space Air Temperature

Supply Valve Position Command

Occupancy Command

High Max Return CO2

The maximum reading for return CO2 levels is above the return CO2 setpoint

AHU (Generic), Energy Recovery Unit, AHU (Variable Volume), Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Constant Volume)

Occupancy Command

Return Air CO2

Return Air CO2 Setpoint

High Max Space CO2

The maximum reading for space CO2 levels is above the space CO2 setpoint

AHU (Variable Volume), Exhaust Fan, VAV (Cooling Only), Packaged Rooftop Unit, VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), Fan Coil, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Energy Recovery Unit, VAV (Reheat), VAV (Generic), AHU (Generic), AHU (Constant Volume), VAV (Dual Duct)

Occupancy Command

Space Air CO2

Space Air CO2 Setpoint

High Mixed Air Temperature during Economizing

Economizing is enabled and the mixed air temperature is above the mixed air setpoint.

Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Generic), Energy Recovery Unit, AHU (Constant Volume), AHU (Variable Volume)

Economizer Damper Position Command

Outside Air Temperature

Mixed Air Temperature Setpoint

Mixed Air Temperature

Occupancy Command

High Outside Airflow

Outside Airflow is above the Outside Airflow Setpoint by 25% or more.

AHU, Heat Pump, Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series),

Occupancy Command

Outside Airflow

Outside Airflow Checkpoint

High Preheat Leaving Temperature in Preheat mode

Preheat leaving air temperature is above preheat temperature setpoint by 5°F or more

Packaged Rooftop Unit, Energy Recovery Unit, AHU (Constant Volume), AHU (Variable Volume), Fan Coil, AHU (Generic), Unit Ventilator, Blower Coil

Preheat Air Temperature

Preheat Air Temperature Setpoint

Outside Air Temperature

Occupancy Command

High Relative Humidity no Setpoint

The space humidity is above 60%

Water Source Heat Pump, AHU (Generic), AHU (Variable Volume), VAV (Dual Duct), Unit Ventilator, Duct Reheat, Fan Coil, VAV (Reheat), Unit Heater, VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Cooling Only), Blower Coil, Ductless Split System, Energy Recovery Unit, Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Constant Volume), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), VAV (Generic)

Space Air Relative Humidity

High Relative Humidity with RH Setpoint

Space humidity is above the humidity setpoint

VAV (Fan Powered - Series), VAV (Dual Duct), AHU (Variable Volume), Fan Coil, Unit Heater, AHU (Generic), VAV (Reheat), VAV (Cooling Only), Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Unit Ventilator, Energy Recovery Unit, Blower Coil, VAV (Generic), Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Constant Volume), Duct Reheat, VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel)

Space Air Relative Humidity

Space Air Relative Humidity Setpoint

Occupancy Command

High Return Airflow

Return Airflow is above Return Airflow Setpoint by 25% or more.

AHU, Heat Pump, Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series),

Occupancy Command

Return Airflow

Return Airflow Checkpoint

High Return CO2 Levels

Reading for return CO2 levels is above the return CO2 setpoint

AHU (Constant Volume), AHU (Variable Volume), Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Generic), Energy Recovery Unit

Occupancy Command

Return Air CO2

Return Air CO2 Setpoint

High Space CO2 Levels

Reading for space CO2 levels is above the space CO2 setpoint

VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Reheat), Energy Recovery Unit, Exhaust Fan, VAV (Cooling Only), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), AHU (Variable Volume), Fan Coil, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Generic), AHU (Generic), Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Constant Volume)

Occupancy Command

Space Air CO2

Space Air CO2 Setpoint

High Space Temperature Cooling Setpoint

Space Temperature is above the active/effective space setpoint by 3°F or more.

Space Temperature is above the occupied cooling set point by 3°F or more.

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Space Temperature

Occupancy Command

Occupied Cooling Setpoint

High Space Temperature Single Setpoint

Space Temperature is above the active/effective space setpoint by 3°F or more.

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Space Temperature

Occupancy Command

Space Temperature Setpoint

High Space Temperature Unoccupied Cool Setpoint

Space Temperature is above the unoccupied cooling setpoint by 3°F or more.

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Space Temperature

Occupancy Command

Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint

High Space Temperature Single Unoccupied Setpoint

Space Temperature is above the unoccupied setpoint by 3°F or more.

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Space Temperature

Occupancy Command

Space Temperature Setpoint

High Supply Airflow

Supply Airflow is above the Supply Airflow Setpoint by 25% or more.

AHU, Heat Pump, Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Supply Airflow

Supply Airflow Checkpoint

Occupancy Command

HtgChw_High Water Flow

The Water Flow is more than 10% above the Water Flow Setpoint.

Water Boiler, Heat Exchanger (Water), Chiller (Air Cooled), Chiller (Water Cooled)

Supply Water Flow Setpoint

Supply Water Flow


HtgChw_Low Water Flow

The Water Flow is more than 10% below the Water Flow Setpoint.

Chiller (Air Cooled), Water Boiler, Chiller (Water Cooled), Heat Exchanger (Water)

Supply Water Flow Setpoint

Supply Water Flow


Isolation Sequence Failure

The chiller is disabled and isolation valves are open, passing water unnecessarily through an inactive chiller.


Enable, Isolation Valve Command

Leaking Chilled Water Supply Valve

When the valve is at a closed position, supply water is still leaking by the valve, indicating it is not fully closed.

Chilled Water

Supply Valve Position Command, Supply Water Temperature, Return Water Temperature, Enable

Leaking Hot Water Supply Valve

When the valve is at a minimum position, supply water is still leaking by the valve, indicating it is not fully closed.

Hot Water

Supply Valve Position Command, Supply Water Temperature, Return Water Temperature, Enable

Leaking Supply Damper

When the damper is at a closed position, airflow is still being read.

VAV, Constant Volume Box

Supply damper position command, Supply air flow.

Not Economizing in Low OA Conditions

Outside Air Conditions are favorable for economizing, but economizing is currently disabled.

AHU (All Types), RTU

Economizer mode command, outside air temperature

Low Discharge Air Temperature in Cooling Mode w/ DAT Setpoint

Discharge Air Temperature is below discharge air setpoint by 5°F or more.

Water Source Heat Pump, Unit Ventilator, VAV (Dual Duct), AHU (Generic), Packaged Rooftop Unit, Ductless Split System, Energy Recovery Unit, AHU (Variable Volume), VAV (Generic), Fan Coil
Blower Coil, AHU (Constant Volume), VAV (Cooling Only)

Supply Air Temperature

Supply Air Temperature Setpoint

Cooling Load

Occupancy Command

Low Discharge Air Temperature in Heating Mode w/ DAT Setpoint

Discharge Air Temperature is below discharge air setpoint by 5°F or more.

AHU (Generic), Unit Heater, Fan Coil, Water Source Heat Pump, AHU (Constant Volume), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Reheat), Duct Reheat, AHU (Variable Volume), VAV (Dual Duct), Ductless Split System, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Energy Recovery Unit, Packaged Rooftop Unit, VAV (Generic), Blower Coil, Unit Ventilator

Supply Air Temperature

Supply Air Temperature Setpoint

Heating Load

Occupancy Command

Low Discharge Air Temperature in Heating Mode w/ DAT Setpoint (HWV)

Discharge air temperature is below discharge air setpoint by 5°F or more.

VAV (Generic), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), Packaged Rooftop Unit, Unit Ventilator, Blower Coil, AHU (Variable Volume), Unit Heater, Water Source Heat Pump, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Energy Recovery Unit, AHU (Constant Volume), VAV (Reheat), Ductless Split System, Duct Reheat, Fan Coil, VAV (Dual Duct)

Supply Air Temperature

Supply Valve Position Command

Supply Air Temperature Setpoint

Occupancy Command

Low Discharge Air Temperature in Heating Mode w/out DAT Setpoint

Heating Command is "ON" and the Discharge Air Temperature is less than 15°F above the space temp.

AHU (Constant Volume), Duct Reheat, VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Reheat), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Blower Coil, Ductless Split System, Unit Ventilator, AHU (Variable Volume), VAV (Generic), Energy Recovery Unit, VAV (Dual Duct), Water Source Heat Pump, Packaged Rooftop Unit, Fan Coil, Unit Heater

Supply Air Temperature

Space Air Temperature

Heating Command

Occupancy Command

Low Discharge Air Temperature in Heating Mode w/out DAT Setpoint (HWV)

Hot Water Valve is 50% or more and the Discharge Air Temperature is less than 15°F above the space temp.

Water Source Heat Pump, Unit Ventilator, Duct Reheat, AHU (Constant Volume), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), Unit Heater, VAV (Generic), Blower Coil, VAV (Reheat), VAV (Dual Duct), AHU (Variable Volume), Ductless Split System, Packaged Rooftop Unit, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Energy Recovery Unit, Fan Coil

Supply Air Temperature

Space Air Temperature

Supply Valve Position Command

Low Mixed Air Temperature

Mixed Air Temperature is below the Mixed Air setpoint

Energy Recovery Unit, AHU (Variable Volume), AHU (Constant Volume), Packaged Rooftop Unit, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, AHU (Generic)

Mixed Air Temperature

Mixed Air Temperature Setpoint

Low Outside Airflow

Low Outside Airflow is below the Outside Airflow Setpoint by 25% or more.

AHU, Heat Pump, Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Outside Airflow

Outside Airflow Checkpoint

Occupancy Command

Low PreHeat Leaving Temperature in Preheat mode

Preheat leaving air temperature is below preheat setpoint by 5 deg F or more

Packaged Rooftop Unit, Unit Ventilator, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, AHU (Generic), AHU (Variable Volume), AHU (Constant Volume), Energy Recovery Unit

Preheat Air Temperature

Preheat Air Temperature Setpoint

Outside Air Temperature

Low Relative Humidity no Setpoint

Space humidity is below 35% relative humidity

VAV (Reheat), AHU (Variable Volume), AHU (Generic), Packaged Rooftop Unit, VAV (Generic), Fan Coil, VAV (Dual Duct), Unit Heater, VAV (Cooling Only), Water Source Heat Pump, Unit Ventilator, Ductless Split System, Duct Reheat, Energy Recovery Unit, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), Blower Coil, AHU (Constant Volume)

Space Air Relative Humidity

Low Return Airflow

Return Airflow is below Return Airflow Setpoint by 25% or more.

AHU, Heat Pump, Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Return Airflow

Return Airflow Checkpoint

Occupancy Command

Low Return CO2 Levels

Return CO2 levels are below ambient CO2 levels.

AHU (Variable Volume), Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Constant Volume), Energy Recovery Unit, AHU (Generic)

Return Air CO2

Low Space CO2 Levels

Space CO2 levels are below ambient CO2 levels.

VAV (Generic), AHU (Variable Volume), Exhaust Fan, AHU (Constant Volume), AHU (Generic), Fan Coil, VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), Packaged Rooftop Unit, VAV (Fan Powered - Series), VAV (Reheat), VAV (Cooling Only), VAV (Dual Duct), Energy Recovery Unit

Space Air CO2

Low Space Temperature Occupied Heating Setpoint

Space temperature is below the occupied heating set point by 3°F or more.

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Space Temperature

Occupancy Command

Occupied Heating Setpoint

Low Space Temperature Single Setpoint

Space temperature is below the active/effective setpoint by 3°F or more.

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Space Temperature

Occupancy Command

Space Temperature Setpoint

Low Space Temperature Unoccupied Setpoint

Space temperature is below the unoccupied setpoint by 3°F or more.

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Space Temperature

Occupancy Command

Space Temperature Setpoint

Low Supply Airflow

Supply Airflow is below Supply Airflow Setpoint by 25% or more.

AHU, Heat Pump, Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series),

Supply Airflow

Supply Airflow Checkpoint

Occupancy Command

Modulating Heating without Discharge Air Temperature Setpoint, Low Discharge Air Temperature

Heating Command is 50% or more and the discharge air temperature is less than 15°F above the space temperature.

VAV (Dual Duct), AHU (Constant Volume), AHU (Generic), Ductless Split System, VAV (Generic), Packaged Rooftop Unit, VAV (Reheat), VAV (Cooling Only), Unit Ventilator, AHU (Variable Volume), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Water Source Heat Pump, Unit Heater, VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), Fan Coil, Blower Coil, Duct Reheat, Energy Recovery Unit

Supply Air Temperature

Space Air Temperature

Supply Valve Position Command

Occupancy Command

Occupied Cooling Set Point Out of Range


Occupied Cooling Setpoint Too High

The occupied cooling setpoint is above the recommended value of 76°F

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Occupied Cooling Setpoint

Occupied Cooling Setpoint Too Low

The occupied cooling setpoint is below the recommended value of 72°F

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Occupied Cooling Setpoint

Occupied Heating Set Point Out of Range


Occupied Heating Setpoint Too High

The occupied heating setpoint is above the recommended value of 72°F

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Occupied Heating Setpoint

Occupied Heating Setpoint Too Low

The occupied heating setpoint is below the recommended value of 68°F

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Occupied Heating Setpoint

Return CO2 is above ASHRAE guideline

Return CO2 levels are above the CO2 guidelines set by ASHRAE

AHU (Generic), Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Variable Volume), Energy Recovery Unit, AHU (Constant Volume)

Return Air CO2

Space CO2 is above ASHRAE guideline

Reading for space CO2 levels is above the space CO2 setpoint

VAV (Generic), Packaged Rooftop Unit, AHU (Constant Volume), Energy Recovery Unit, AHU (Generic), Fan Coil, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), VAV (Cooling Only), Exhaust Fan, AHU (Variable Volume), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Reheat)

Space Air CO2

Supply Air Temperature Reset Failure

The supply air temperature setpoint is constant over a 24-hour period, indicating no supply air temperature reset.


Supply Air Temperature Setpoint Min for 1 hour, Supply Air Temperature Setpoint Max for 1 hour

Supply Water Temperature Reset Failure

Supply Water temperature setpoint is constant over a 24-hour period, indicating no supply Water temperature reset.

Chilled Water, Hot Water, Domestic Hot Water

Supply Water Temperature Setpoint Min for 1 hour, Supply Water Temperature Setpoint Max for 1 hour

System High Differential Pressure

The differential pressure in the system exceeds the setpoint by 20%

Chilled Water, Hot Water

differential water pressure, differential water pressure setpoint

System Low Differential Pressure

The differential pressure in the system is less than the setpoint by 20%

Chilled Water, Hot Water

differential water pressure, differential water pressure setpoint

Unoccupied Cooling Set Point Out of Range


Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint Too High

The unoccupied cooling setpoint is above the recommended value of 82°F

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint

Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint Too Low

The unoccupied cooling setpoint is below the recommended value of 82°F

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Unoccupied Cooling Setpoint

Unoccupied Heating Set Point Out of Range


Unoccupied Heating Setpoint Too high

The unoccupied heating setpoint is above the recommended value of 65°F

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Unoccupied Heating Setpoint

Unoccupied Heating Setpoint Too Low

The unoccupied heating setpoint is below the recommended value of 55°F

Ductless Split System, Water Source Heat Pump, Blower Coil, Fan Coil, Unit Ventilator, Unit Heater, VAV (Dual Duct), VAV (Parallel), VAV (Series), VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel), VAV (Fan Powered - Series), Packaged Rooftop Unit.

Unoccupied Heating Setpoint

Valve Actuator Problem - Cooling

Opening the cooling valve is not cooling, indicating that the valve is either not moving properly or a clogged strainer.

Chilled Water

Supply Water Temp Delta over last hour, Supply Valve Position Command Delta over last hour

Valve Actuator Problem - Heating

Opening the heating valve is not heating, indicating that the valve is not moving properly or a clogged strainer.

Hot Water

Supply Water Temp Delta over last hour, Supply Valve Position Command Delta over last hour

VAV Parallel Fan Failure (Control Failure)

Fan status is off when the space temperature is less than the occupied heating setpoint

VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel)

Supply Fan Command

Occupancy Command

Space Air Temperature Occupied Heating Setpoint

Space Air Temperature

VAV Parallel Fan Failure (Low Discharge Air Temperature)

The parallel fan is "ON" but the discharge air temperature is cool.\n

VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel)

Supply Air Temperature

Supply Fan Command

VAV Parallel Fan Failure Unoccupied (Control Failure)

Fan status is off when the space temperature is less than the unoccupied heating setpoint.\n\n

VAV (Fan Powered - Parallel)

Supply Fan Command

Occupancy Command

Space Air Temperature

Space Air Temperature Unoccupied Heating Setpoint

Water Differential Pressure Reset Failure

The Water Differential Pressure setpoint is constant over a 24-hour period, indicating no Water Differential Pressure reset.

Chilled Water, Hot Water, Domestic Hot Water

Water Differential Pressure Setpoint Min for 1 hour, Water Differential Pressure Setpoint Max for 1 hour

Water System High Temperature

The supply water temperature in the system exceeds its setpoint by 3 degrees.

Chilled Water, Hot Water, Condenser Water

supply water temp, supply water temp setpoint

Water System Low Temperature

The supply water temperature in the system is below its setpoint by 3 degrees.

Chilled Water, Hot Water, Condenser Water

supply water temp, supply water temp setpoint

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