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BOB Release Notes 1.97 - 7/13/22


Building Optimization Broker version 1.97 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.

This version was formally released on 7/13/2022.

New Features


  • We've added an Aggregate Type drop-down to the Sensor and Score Grids that provides the ability to display the data totals for Minimum, Maximum, or Average. The aggregate totals display at the bottom of the appropriate columns in the Sensor and Score Grids. See Viewing Aggregrate Totals for more information. K2AINT-3245

Bug Fixes


  • We've improved rule performance on Dashboards.  K2AINT-3449

IoT Hub

  • When searching in the IoT Hub, the search results of the Agents now display only the agents in the current company. K2AINT-3518, K2AINT-3519, K2AINT-3546, K2AINT-3553

  • Object polling has been changed from 1 minute to 5 minutes to reduce errors with bulk changes. K2AINT-3456

To view the release notes online, go to

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