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BOB Release Notes 1.83 - 4/06/22


Building Optimization Broker version 1.83 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.

This version was formally released on 4/6/2022.

New Features


Calculated Sensors

  • When a calculated sensor is created we now immediately run the sensor in real time to get a baseline value calculation for the sensor. (K2AINT-1824)

Actions Menu

  • We've added the ability to always display the Actions Menu within viewable display within the dashboard even when your browser is resized. (K2AINT-2954)

Navigation Update

  • We've updated the Go button within the Dashboard navigation to flash if changes have been made and the dashboard needs to be updated by clicking the button. (K2AINT-2964)

Health Dashboard

  • We've updated the Health Dashboard to default with the Fault filter selected to display rules or equipment that are currently in fault. (K2AINT-2885)


Heartbeat Log

  • We've added additional data fields to the Heartbeat Log of: 

    1. DNS

    2. Gateway

    3. IP Address

    4. NTP

    5. Subnet Mask

Bug Fixes


  • We've improved performance in sending notifications based on equipment performance. (K2AINT-2724) 

  • We've fixed values displayed related to blank values being returned within the Score Grid. (K2AINT-2831) 

  • We've improved how the trend interval selector can be used within the dashboard. (K2AINT-2881) 

To view the release notes online, go to

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