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BOB Release Notes 1.80 - 3/16/22


Building Optimization Broker version 1.80 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.

This version was formally released on 3/16/2022.

New Features


  • A new Total Runtime calculation has been added to the list of calculated sensors on the Sensor Grid and Sensor Graph, as well as in the Calculated Sensor drop-down if the required sensors exist. K2AINT-604

  • The Health Monitor view has been updated to include the date and time the fault started. K2AINT-2022

  • The notification bar now displays at the bottom left side of the window instead of across the top. While the notification displays for the same amount of time, you can click the X to close the notification. K2AINT-2824

Service Requests

  • We've updated the Create Service Request window to replace Client Contact with Site Contact. K2AINT-2262 

Bug Fixes


  • When viewing the Score Graph from the Equipment Dashboard, selecting the rule now displays only the selected sensors. K2AINT-2507

  • Occupancy commands are now displaying as expected. K2AINT-2508

IoT Hub

  • We've enhanced the performance when creating profiles with a large data set. K2AINT-2821

To view the release notes online, go to

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