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BOB Release Notes 1.73 - 1/26/22


Building Optimization Broker version 1.73 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.

This version was formally released on 1/26/2022.

New Features


Fault Views

  • We've updated the Faults display views within the Dashboard to display based on real time data down to the minute increment. Data is displayed in 4 hour time increment, and can be changed for the previous or next 4-hour block using the arrow buttons. (K2AINT-2368)



  • We've removed the Change of Value (COV) option when working with profiles. Time intervals as low as 1 minute are available for selection. (K2AINT-1959, 2165)


Real Time Rules Processing

  • The Real Time Rules are now processed and scored based on rules immediately within the Rules Engine to provide dynamic data you can use to make business decisions. (K2AINT-2091)

Rule Aggregates

  • We've updated the program to allow for the following Rule Aggregates within our real time rule engine. (K2AINT-2198, 2110)

    • Consecutive Duration - The total duration and aggregate duration in minutes. 

    • Change Count - Number of times a change has occurred per a given timeframe (minutes). 

    • Percent Active - Percentage that is calculated based on the rules that are currently active in a given timeframe (minutes).

    • None

Bug Fixes


  • We've fixed an alignment issue within the Inspection Report footer. (K2AINT-2357) 

To view the release notes online, go to

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