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BOB Release Notes 1.65 - 12/01/21


Building Optimization Broker version 1.65 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.

This version was formally released on 12/01/2021.

New Features


Score Graph

  • We've updated the Score Graph to display Boolean values within both graphs within the display. These values display in a separate chart for the Score Graph view for sites, equipment, and systems. (K2AINT-1952)


  • We've updated the ability to add subscriptions to a company, campus, and area directly on a Dashboard from the Actions menu. (K2AINT-1977)


Inspection Report

  • We've updated the color indicators within the Inspection Report to match the same color indicators found within dashboards for consistency. (K2AINT-1992)

Reporting Menu

  • We've removed the Reporting menu from the left navigation menu. Reporting is now available solely from the mega navigation menu within the Dashboard. (K2AINT-1969)


Accessing Rules

  • We've updated the Rule Builder within BOB. It is now accessible through the BOB mega navigation menu by clicking the Rules menu option. The Rule display dashboard contains all existing rules along with target count, failure count, and active faults information. Individual rule actions or bulk actions can be performed, as well as enabling or disabling a rule. (K2AINT-1718)

    Note: Access to Rules will be moving to solely the mega navigation in the future. Currently, you can access Rules from both the left navigation > Rule Builder as well as the mega navigation > Rules. Regardless of how you access Rules, all generated results are the same and displayed.

Bug Fixes


  • We've fixed an error received when attempting to upload a company logo. (K2AINT-1789) 

To view the release notes online, go to

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