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BOB Release Notes 1.62 - 11/11/21


Building Optimization Broker version 1.62 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.

This version was formally released on 11/11/2021.

New Features


  • We've updated the Quick Navigation menus to display the Company, Client, Site, and Equipment to allow for a greater amount of characters to display. Additionally, you can now quickly clear a field by selecting the "x" icon. (K2AINT-1220)

  • We've added a View More Info option from the Rule display that can be used to show rule information. The Rule Information window displays how the rule is set up and configured within the program for quick reference. (K2AINT-1000)

  • We've added hyperlinks to the dashboard for quick navigation. (K2AINT-1871

Bug Fixes

Rule Builder

  • We've fixed rules that were displaying as faults for disabled rules. (K2AINT-1821) 

To view the release notes online, go to

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