BOB Release Notes 1.125 - 4/25/2023

Building Optimization Broker version 1.125 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.
New Features
We've added the ability to save and share the report configuration for the Inspection Report. The Save View & Configuration pop-up window displays when you select the Save button. Additionally, the Save button now has the option to Save & Generate, or you can select Generate to run the report without saving the configuration. K2AINT-3370
For the Optimization Report, we've added the ability to apply the settings for one sensor type to all the same sensor types across all the same equipment/system type. For example, if the Sensor Type of Supply Air Temperature is selected with a Sort Order of 1 and a Conditional Format of highlight Green everything greater than 75. These parameters would be applied to all the same sensor type (Supply Air Temperature) to all equipment that have the exact same sensors. See Optimization Report. K2AINT-4460
Bug Fixes
In the Inspection Report Run time tab Occupancy Status drop-down displays only sensors with both Sensor Type as ‘Occupancy Status’ and display type as ‘Boolean’. K2AINT-5177
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