BOB Release Notes 1.124 - 4/12/23

Building Optimization Broker version 1.124 includes performance enhancements and bug fixes.
The Score Graph for Equipment and Systems can now be sorted by the Rules and Score columns. K2AINT-3648
The Optimization Report has the following updates:
You can now choose the color blue for conditional formatting. K2AINT-4461
A new default timeframe option of Previous 24 Hours has ben added. You can update this to a different selection by using the drop-down list. K2AINT-4571.
User interface updates that do not affect performance.
Font sizes were increased for lists, menu items, and buttons as well as a decreased checkbox size. K2AINT-5144
When you've selected a custom date range, the custom date box now displays under the drop-down instead of to the right. K2AINT-5181
Now limits the selected equipment and/or systems to a maximum of 255 that can be displayed on the Excel report. A warning message will display if more than 255 are selected. K2AINT-4660
The Optimization Report can now be created, viewed, and saved as expected. K2AINT-5108
In the Sensor Graph view, boolean data is now rendered as expected for a single time point. K2AINT-5153
We've updated the polling interval for profile objects to remove the 1-minute polling. The lowest available increment for polling is now 5 minutes. K2AINT-5156
To view the release notes online, go to