BOB Release Notes 1.111 - 10/19/22

Building Optimization Broker version 1.111 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.
This version was formally released on 10/19/22.
New Features
Site Hyperlink for Client Contacts
We've added a hyperlink to the Site field within the Site Details within the Client Contact form. (K2AINT-2580)
Attribute Management
We've added Attribute Management to set up attributes for different entities. For example, you can set up specific contact titles that are used in your BOB application, globally or even for a company, site, or client. Attributes determine what is displayed within the drop-down lists throughout the application. When an attribute is selected as active (checked) and moved to the Available column, the attribute is displayed in the drop-downs. If an attribute is deselected or made inactive it will not be deleted, it will simply just not display within the application.
For more information, see Attribute Management. (K2AINT-1696)
Default Sensor Type and Display Units
When mapping sensors within Architect we've added the ability to default the Sensor Type and Display Unit when Configure Sensor is selected from the Architect Wizard. (K2AINT-2363)
Bug Fixes
IoT Hub
We've improved the sorting and searching for agents within the IoT Hub. (K2AINT-4108)
To view the release notes online, go to