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BOB Release Notes 1.111 - 10/19/22


Building Optimization Broker version 1.111 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.

This version was formally released on 10/19/22.

New Features


Site Hyperlink for Client Contacts

  • We've added a hyperlink to the Site field within the Site Details within the Client Contact form. (K2AINT-2580)


Attribute Management

  • We've added Attribute Management to set up attributes for different entities. For example, you can set up specific contact titles that are used in your BOB application, globally or even for a company, site, or client. Attributes determine what is displayed within the drop-down lists throughout the application. When an attribute is selected as active (checked) and moved to the Available column, the attribute is displayed in the drop-downs. If an attribute is deselected or made inactive it will not be deleted, it will simply just not display within the application.

    For more information, see Attribute Management. (K2AINT-1696)


Default Sensor Type and Display Units

  • When mapping sensors within Architect we've added the ability to default the Sensor Type and Display Unit when Configure Sensor is selected from the Architect Wizard. (K2AINT-2363)

Bug Fixes

IoT Hub

  • We've improved the sorting and searching for agents within the IoT Hub. (K2AINT-4108) 

To view the release notes online, go to

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