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BOB Release Notes 1.109-110 - 10/12/22


Building Optimization Broker version 1.109-110 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.

This version was formally released on 10/12/22.

New Features


Custom Calculated Sensors

You can now create a custom calculated sensor from the Equipment and System dashboard. A calculated sensor allows you to create a calculation based on readings obtained from other sensors, which allows more flexibility in how you use your data. This lets you model or abstract any additional analysis you want and uses this analysis any way a standard sensor can. A calculated sensor can drive rule faults, calculations, and conditional formatting. Create the calculated sensor the way you would create any other sensor. Except, when selecting the data source, instead of selecting a device and object from IoT Hub, select a K2A formula/template or custom template calculation. There, you will be able to configure the sensors you want to source for the calculation and specify the K2A calculation you want to perform. The output from that calculation will be your new calculated sensor. For more information, see Create a Custom Calculated Sensor. (K2AINT-3336)

Shared User Configuration View

  • We've added new email content to be sent to a user based on sharing a User Configuration view. When a user's email address is keyed in the Share User Configuration View window, an email is sent to the email that includes a link directly to the configuration view. (K2AINT-3795)


Watchdog Report

We've introduced a new report in BOB called the Watchdog Report. A Watchdog Report is used to provide a site-level equipment report to view equipment performance and opportunities for improvement in an easy-to-use PDF format.

For more information on working with this report, see Watchdog Report.

Optimization Report

We've introduced a new report called the Optimization report. The Optimization Report provides a site-level equipment report to view equipment information in an easy-to-use Excel format. The report includes a summary page that lists the included equipment and their corresponding scores. The equipment on the summary page is hyperlinked to separate tabs for each equipment and includes all sensors and the corresponding time-series data in 15-minute increments.

For more information on this report, see Optimization Report.

Bug Fixes


  • We've improved performance related to large subsets of time range data displaying within the dashboard. (K2AINT-4025) 

Advanced Communications

  • We've improved subscription email notifications to improve on timestamp accuracy. (K2AINT-3958) 


  • We've improved the profile creation process when using the Select All option. (K2AINT-3949) 

To view the release notes online, go to

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