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BOB Release Notes 1.107 - 9/21/22


Building Optimization Broker version 1.107 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.

This version was formally released on 9/21/22.

New Features


  • The System view accessed from the Company and Client dashboards has been streamlined by removing the Faults, High, Medium, and Low. To access this information, select the system name from the link to go to the System dashboard. K2AINT-3527

  • We've updated the date picker for the Site and Equipment Score Grid and Score Graph to allow for the same interval selector as the Sensor Grid. You can select (in minutes) from 1, 5, 10, 15, 30, and 60. 15 minutes is the default interval. K2AINT-3687

  • We've updated the Score Grid:

    • When you select a rule, the Fault Value Output is shown as an additional column.

    • On the rows that have a fault, the actual value of the sensors that generate the score/fault is shown. This information is pulled from additional fields now included on the fault record.

    • We've added a tooltip that displays when you hover your mouse over the fault icon. This tooltip shows the formula being used along with the aggregates (sensor and rule). K2AINT-3767


  • The weather section of the Inspection Report has been updated to display the average temperature for the indicated timeframe on the area chart. K2AINT-228

Bug Fixes


  • When multiple tabs are open, with different companies on each tab, when selecting a rule hyperlink from the Score Grid, the rule now displays as expected. K2AINT-3971

IoT Hub

  • In the IoT Hub, users can now rename an existing piece of equipment as expected. K2AINT-3938


  • When creating a new inspection report, only the rules associated with the site are included in the report. K2AINT-3867

Rule Builder

  • On the Rules page, the selected Rows per Page now retains the selected value after managing a rule and returning to the main page. K2AINT-3878.

  • When creating a new rule, the rule now displays as expected and users will no longer receive an error message. K2AINT-3912

To view the release notes online, go to Release Notes.

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