BOB Release Notes 1.104 - 8/31/22
Building Optimization Broker version 1.104 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.
This version was formally released on 8/31/2022.
New Features
User Configuration
The User Configuration view is now accessible from any area of the program. When selected, all your saved views display for you to select and access. (K2AINT-3686)
Email Alerts
We've added a designation of AM or PM to email alert notifications since time is displayed in a 12-hour clock designation. (K2AINT-3681)
Tool Tips
Tool Tips have been added to the Score and Sensor Graphs to clarify graph data displayed. (K2AINT-3346)
Bug Fixes
We've improved site equipment overview data exporting based on a time selection. (K2AINT-3643)
To view the release notes online, go to