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BOB 1.50 - 08/18/21


Building Optimization Broker version 1.50 includes new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes.

This version was formally released on 8/18/2021.

New Features


  • Font size was increased within the Sensor Configuration grid & Equipment and System Score graph. (K2AINT-1098, K2AINT-1111)

  • When sorting data within the Configured Sensor graph, the data is now sorting within each sensor grouping. (K2AINT-1126)

Bug Fixes


  • We've fixed the Sensor Graph with the following (K2AINT-1015):

    • To only display Boolean data if selected.

    • Zooming within the graph.

    • Current data is displayed at all times if selected.

  • We've fixed an error received when sorting or filtering within the Energy dashboard. (K2AINT-956)

To view the release notes online, go to

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