BOB 1.4.5 - 04/06/21
Building Optimization Broker version 1.4.5 includes the ability to add Australian postal codes and telephone numbers in the following windows: Billing Contact, Client Contact, Sign-Up, and Technician. This release also has several bug fixes as indicated below.
This version was formally released on 4/6/2021.
- Fault data is no longer returning outside of the specified time range.
- Default sorting for data tables is now working as expected.
- User sorting now displays the results appropriately. Some users experienced the first item displayed at the bottom of the list.
- When exporting data from a table, the current filtering and sorting parameters are maintained.
- The delete option is now working as expected when deleting a client from the Client Dashboard.
- The client name now displays when you are creating a new site.
- The telephone numbers for technicians are now validated when missing the +1 format so that SMS notifications are successfully sent.
- The Client Contact window has been updated to now include the address lookup ability.
Rule Builder
- The K2A Rule Discharge Static Pressure is Low has been updated so that the Formula Value Output is > 30.