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BOB 0.9.0beta - Apr. 22, 2020


Building Optimization Broker version 0.9.0beta includes several improvements for high priority known issues within Architect and Rule Builder.

0.9.0beta introduces Subscription Confirmations! Subscription confirmations require the subscribed User to confirm that they'd like to receive alerts from the Building Optimization Broker for the given entity.

An updated BAS Agent firmware was also released, version 1.0.14. BAS Agent 1.0.14 will require BAS Agent replacement, as such, new BAS Agents were sent to our beta customers.

Note: As of 0.9.0beta existing BAS Agents (Version 1.0.1) will continue to work, but will not accept changes to the network configuration.

This version was formally released on 4/22/2020 to our beta customers.


Features and Improvements

  • No updates.

Bug Fixes

  • No updates.

Known Issues

  • The sign-up form will accept phone numbers in a number of formats, but the required format should match: 1231231234


Features and Improvements

  • No updates.

Bug Fixes

  • No updates.

Known Issues

  • No known issues.

IoT Hub

Features and Improvements

  • Introduced several improvements surrounding BAS Agent to server communications. The BAS Agent statuses that are displayed more accurately display actions.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a previous known issue where network configuration was being cached on BAS Agent reassignment.
  • Fixed a previous known issue where deletion of a BAS Agent would throw a server error.

Known Issues

  • In the BAS Inventory, a snackbar message may display "Missing Inventory URL" after a network configuration change, if a BAS Inventory hasn't ever been retrieved or a new BAS Inventory is currently being retrieved.
    Workaround: To verify if an inventory is being retrieved, check the BAS Agent status. It should display "Inventory Scanning". The BAS Agent logs will also display an output if the BAS Inventory is currently scanning.
  • While the Ping message does not display in the User Interface, the Ping is completing in the background and the connection status will still indicate whether the Agent is connected.
  • For Bacnet Agents, after inventory scanning finishes, a reboot may be required for polling to continue.


Features and Improvements

  • NEXTBETA-44, 80, 99, 104: Added an improvement to the Architect Wizard to resolve a previous known issue around creating large quantities of Equipment and Sensors.

  • NEXTBETA-72 & 95: Added the ability to batch delete Equipment. 
  • The following Sensor Types were added:
    • Alarm
    • Communication Status
    • Drain Pan Alarm
    • Door Contact Status
    • Defrost Command
    • Product Temperature
    • Compressor Command (Analog)
    • Cooling Command (Analog)
    • Heating Command (Analog)

  • The following existing Sensor Types were modified to better reflect their use:
    • Compressor Command became Compressor Command (Binary)
    • Cooling Command became Cooling Command (Binary)
    • Heating Command became Heating Command (Binary)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a previous known issue where some entities were not showing up in the Architect tree. This was especially apparent with large quantities of Equipment.

Known Issues

  • No known issues.

Rule Builder

Features and Improvements

  • No updates.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a previous known issue where enabling or disabling a K2A Rule would throw an error.

Known Issues

  • No known issues.


Features and Improvements

  • No updates.

Bug Fixes

  • No updates.

Known Issues

  • Disabled Rules show in Health Monitor.
    Workaround: There is no workaround, these rows can be ignored for the time being.


Features and Improvements

  • Introduced a new feature for Subscription Confirmations. Subscription confirmations require the subscribed User to confirm that they'd like to receive alerts from the Building Optimization Broker for the given entity.
    When you subscribe in Home, you should also be receiving an email confirmation to the User or Client Contact's email address that requires you to select Confirm Subscription before alerts will be sent to you.

Note: As of 0.9.0beta you will need to unsubscribe and resubscribe to any Subscriptions you have that are existing.

Bug Fixes

  • No updates.

Known Issues

  • No known issues.

Dev Portal

Features and Improvements

  • No updates.

Bug Fixes

  • No updates.

Known Issues

  • No updates.

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