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BOB 0.0.3beta - Feb. 3, 2020


Building Optimization Broker version 0.0.3beta includes several new feature releases as well as a new application, Subscriptions.

The Architect Wizard is now live! This will allow you to map from IoT Hub to Architect in batches.

We've also implemented Building Optimization Broker branding in the UI.

This version was formally released on 2/3/2020 to our beta customers.

Bye Bye Insite, Hello Building Optimization Broker

You will notice our new product branding throughout the application. 

Note: At some point in the future, the URL for our product will be changing. We'll send communications about that change before it happens.

Introducing the Subscriptions App!

Subscriptions allows you to manage any of your active subscriptions (event alerts).

  • You can now unsubscribe from any subscriptions that have been set up.
  • View and manage your subscriptions .
  • View and manage subscriptions for Client Contacts.


Features and Improvements

  • There was a snag on step one of set up, signing up for a User account! We've updated the phone number field on our sign-up so you are no longer required to include a +1. The phone number should now follow a much more intuitive format: 1231231234.
    Please note: this format should now be applicable anywhere you are entering a phone number in the application.

Bug Fixes

  • No Updates

Known Issues

  • The sign-up form will accept phone numbers in a number of formats, but the required format should match: 1231231234


Features and Improvements

  • No updates.

Bug Fixes

  • No Updates

Known Issues

  • No known issues.

IoT Hub

Features and Improvements

  • The Devices and Objects table search will now search the obix path in addition to the Device Name.
  • Updated the Devices and Objects table to show a loader while the data for the table is loading.
  • When creating a Profile, the snackbar will now properly only display one success message instead of many.

Bug Fixes

  • Some of our Agent logs were not displaying in historical order. We've fixed that so the logs should display from most recent.

Known Issues

  • While the Ping message does not display in the User Interface, the Ping is completing in the background and the connection status will still indicate whether the Agent is connected.
  • Reassigning an Agent can sometimes cache the old Agent network configuration.
    Workaround: Create an Agent, configure the network THEN assign the Agent serial number.
  • Deleting an Agent throws a server error, however the Agent is actually being deleted correctly.
  • Workaround: After deleting an Agent, please refresh your browser window. The deleted Agent should no longer show on the list.


Features and Improvements

  • Formal release of the Architect Wizard!

    • The Architect Wizard is used to efficiently map Devices and Objects to Equipment and Sensors.

    • You can now map at the Profile level instead of individual Devices and Objects. Map once, create batches of Equipment and Sensors.
  • Updated the Units dropdown on Sensor configuration so it properly searches based on seed characters.
  • Added the following Sensor Types for Schedules
    • Schedule (Occupancy)
    • Schedule (Generic)
    • Schedule (Setpoint)
  • Added Sensor Types for Humidifiers
    • Humidifier Command (Analog)
    • Humidifier Command (Binary)

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed mispellings on some of our Equipment Types and Senser Sensor Types.

Known Issues

  • No known issues.

Rule Builder

Features and Improvements

  • Nothing to report, yet! Stay tuned.

Bug Fixes

  • No updates.

Known Issues

  • Enabling or disabling a K2A Rule throws an error but will actually enable or disable in the background.
    Workaround: After enabling or disabling a K2A rule, refresh your browser and the K2A rule will update.
  • You cannot currently delete a K2A Rule from your Company.
    Workaround: Disable the K2A Rule for now instead of deleting. You'll be able to delete them shortly!


Features and Improvements

  • No updates.

Bug Fixes

  • No updates.

Known Issues

  • When expanding tree nodes, the priority dots may not fully display.
    Workaround: Collapse and re-expand the tree node.

Dev Portal

Features and Improvements

  • We've added the ability for a User to use their current session authorization to use our Swagger documents. 
    • You are now able to test our APIs within the application by navigating to Dev Portal and selecting to use your current session authorization.

Bug Fixes

  • No updates.

Known Issues

  • No updates.
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