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BOB 0.0.1beta - Jan. 1, 2020


Welcome to Building Optimization Broker! Thank you for helping us test the future of WennSoft®. Building Optimization Broker 1.0.0beta is the inaugural beta release, first offered to Beta partners on January 1, 2020.


MyAccount is where you manage your WennSoft account.

  • Select the Default Company you’re logged in to
  • Users can be invited into multiple Companies
  • Users can switch Companies from any App without logging out


Admin allows you to administer your Company.

  • Manage User access to a given Company

  • Manage User Roles (Permissions)

  • Set up a Billing Contact

IoT Hub

IoT Hub is all about getting data out of systems. Here you can set up Agents to collect data from Building Automation Systems (BAS).

  • Efficiently extract data from BAS using oBIX or BACnet.
  • Manage solution entirely from the web.
  • Work with your Agent configurations even when the Agent is offline.
  • Ping Agent does not currently return a message to the User.

Known Issues

  • While the Ping message does not display in the User Interface, the Ping is completing in the background and the connection status will still indicate whether the Agent is connected.
  • Reassigning an Agent can sometimes cache the old Agent network configuration.
    Workaround: Create an Agent, configure the network THEN assign the Agent serial number.


For the platform to support scalability while maintaining your efficiency, it’s important to establish a common data structure.

Architect uses a unique semantic model that allows you to break the data into key entities for easy comprehension and utilization:

  • Client: This is representative of your customer.
  • Site: A physical building.
  • Campus: A grouping of sites, usually correlated with a geographical area or function.
  • Area: A sub-section of a Site, usually defined for a specific purpose or tenant.
  • Equipment: A physical asset within a Site.
  • System: A representation of a group of equipment that works to serve a common purpose.
  • Sensor: Any data value that can be trended over time.

 In Architect you can:

  • Accurately represent the assets in your building
  • Provide context to all entities from Client through Sensor
  • Map object data from IoT Hub to Sensors
  • Apply K2A or custom conversions to help normalize your Sensor data

Known Issues

  • When searching for Units, the dropdown will filter, but does not collapse empty unit groups.
    Workaround: Scroll down through the unit groups to find the Unit group you’re looking for.

Rule Builder

Rule Builder allows you to leverage the Architect model to write rules for your buildings.

Rules are re-usable and can be applied to any combination of Clients, Sites, Equipment or Systems.

Creating a Rule is as simple as:

  1. Select which Clients, Sites and Equipment or Systems you’d like to target.
  2. Select which Sensors should be used in the Rule formula.
  3. Use our drag-and-drop editor to build formula logic and identify why criteria indicates a fault.

Known Issues

No known issues.


Home is your portal into your service business.

  • Quickly visualize which Clients, Sites, Equipment, Systems or Areas in your portfolio are performing worse than others.
  • Identify where to focus your time while on-site.
  • Leverage the semantic model established in Architect to do cross-building or cross-customer comparison
  • View your service portfolio geographically on the Home Map.

Known Issues

  • When expanding tree nodes, the priority dots may not fully display.
    Workaround: Collapse and re-expand the tree node.

Dev Portal

The NEXT platform provides 3rd party developers (and customers) access to a set of limited REST APIs for interfacing with WennSoft® applications.

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