Element Name | Data Type | Length | Required | Default | Description |
@I_vWSJobNumber | char | 17 | Yes |
| |
@I_vWSProjectNumber | char | 17 | Yes |
| |
@I_vWSJobName | char | 31 | Yes |
| |
@I_vDivisions | char | 15 | Yes |
| |
@I_vCustomerNumber | char | 15 | Yes |
| |
@I_vJobAddressCode | char | 15 | Yes |
| |
@I_vJobBilltoAddressCode | char | 15 | Yes |
| |
@I_vEstimatorID | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vWSManagerID | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vUserID | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vBidDueDate | datetime |
| No |
| |
@I_vScheduleStartDate | datetime |
| No |
| |
@I_vScheduledCompletionDate | datetime |
| No |
| |
@I_vActualCompletionDate | datetime |
| No |
| |
@I_vEstLaborCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstMaterialCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstEquipmentCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstSubsCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstMiscOtherCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstCostUserDefined1 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstCostUserDefined2 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstCostUserDefined3 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstCostUserDefined4 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vTotalEstimatedCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstLaborCostMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstEquipmentCostMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstMaterialsCostMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstSubsCostMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstMiscOtherCostMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstUserDefined1CostMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstUserDefined2CostMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstUserDefined3CostMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstUserDefined4CostMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vTotalEstimatedMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCalculatePctCompletedtoDate | smallint | 5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstPctCompletetoDate | smallint | 5 | No |
| |
@I_vJCContractNumber | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vContractType | smallint | 5 | No |
| |
@I_vWSBillingType | smallint | 5 | No |
| |
@I_vProjectBilling | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vOverheadLaborPct | smallint | 5 | No |
| |
@I_vOverheadUserDefinedPct | smallint | 5 | No |
| |
@I_vOverheadFlatAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vOriginalContractAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vOriginatingContractAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vContractMaximumBillAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vConfirmedChangeOrderAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vInProcessChangeOrderAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCOAmountUserDefined1 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCOAmountUserDefined2 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCOAmountUserDefined3 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vContracttoDate | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vOriginatingContractToDate | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRetentionPct | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActLaborCostTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActMaterialsCostTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActEquipmentCostTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActSubsCostTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActMiscOtherCostTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActCostTTDUserDefined1 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActCostTTDUserDefined2 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActCostTTDUserDefined3 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActCostTTDUserDefined4 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vTotalActualCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActLaborCostTTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActEquipmentCostTTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActMaterialsCostTTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActSubsCostTTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActMiscOtherCostTTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActUserDefined1TTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActUserDefined2TTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActUserDefined3TTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActUserDefined4TTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vBilledLaborCostTTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vBilledMaterialsCostTTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vBilledEquipmentCostTTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vBilledSubsCostTTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vBilledMiscOtherCostTTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vBilledUserDefined1TTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vBilledUserDefined2TTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vBilledUserDefined3TTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vBilledUserDefined4TTDMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vBilledAmountTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRetentionAmountTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRetentionBilledTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vNetBilledTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCashReceivedTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vBilledYTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRetentionAmountYTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRetentionBilledYTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vMiscTaxAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vTaxAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vDiscountAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vWriteOffAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vNetBilledYTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCashReceivedYTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vLastBillingDate | datetime |
| No |
| |
@I_vExpectedContract | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vOriginatingExpectedContract | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCurrencyID | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vCurrencyIndex | smallint | 5 | No |
| |
@I_vExchangeRate | numeric | 19,7 | No |
| |
@I_vExchangeDate | datetime |
| No |
| |
@I_vTime | datetime |
| No |
| |
@I_vRateTypeID | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vExchangeTableID | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vActLaborCostYTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActMaterialsCostYTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActEquipmentCostYTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActSubsCostYTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActMiscOtherYTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActCostYTDUserDefined1 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActCostYTDUserDefined2 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActCostYTDUserDefined3 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActCostYTDUserDefined4 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vTaxExemptNumber | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vTaxScheduleID | char | 15 | Yes |
| |
@I_vCommittedEquipmentTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCommittedMaterialsTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCommittedLaborTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCommittedSubsTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCommittedMiscOtherTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCommittedTTDUserDefined1 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCommittedTTDUserDefined2 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCommittedTTDUserDefined3 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCommittedTTDUserDefined4 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vCommittedCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vForecastedEquipmentTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vForecastedLaborTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vForecastedMaterialsTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vForecastedMiscOtherTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vForecastedSubsTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vForecastedUserDefined1 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vForecastedUserDefined2 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vForecastedUserDefined3 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vForecastedUserDefined4 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vTotalForecastedCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRevsdEquipmentForecastedCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRevsdLaborForecastedCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRevsdMaterialsForecastedCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRevsdSubsForecastedCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRevsdMiscOtherForecastedCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRevsdForecastedUserDefined1 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRevsdForecastedUserDefined2 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRevsdForecastedUserDefined3 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vRevsdForecastedUserDefined4 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vTotalRevsdForecastCost | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vEstLaborUnitsTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vActLaborUnitsTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vAnticipatedMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vSutaState | char | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vLocalTax | char | 7 | No |
| |
@I_vCertifiedPayroll | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vRateClass | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vExcludefromPOCCalculation | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWSMarkupPercent | int | 10 | No |
| |
@I_vRevsdForecastLaborUnits | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vTotalActualCostMarkup | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefine1 | char | 31 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefine2 | char | 31 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefined1 | char | 21 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefined2 | char | 21 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedInteger1 | int | 10 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedInteger2 | int | 10 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedInteger3 | int | 10 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedInteger4 | int | 10 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedDollar1 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedDollar2 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedDollar3 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedDollar4 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedDate1 | datetime |
| No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedDate2 | datetime |
| No |
| |
@I_vWSUserDefinedDate3 | datetime |
| No |
| |
@I_vWSUserDefinedDate4 | datetime |
| No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedCB1 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedCB2 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedCB3 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vUserDefinedCB4 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWennsoftAffiliate | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vWennsoftBranch | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vWennsoftRegion | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vSVLanguageID | smallint | 5 | No |
| |
@I_vTimeZone | char | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vTechnicianID | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vTechnicianTeam | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vWSInactive | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWSReservedCB1 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWSReservedCB2 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWSReservedCB3 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWSReservedCB4 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWSReservedCB5 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWSReservedCB6 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWSReservedCB7 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWSReservedCB8 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWSReservedCB9 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWSReservedCB10 | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vWSReservedSTR1 | char | 11 | No |
| |
@I_vWSReservedSTR2 | char | 11 | No |
| |
@I_vCreatedDate | datetime |
| No |
| |
@I_vCreatedUserID | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vReimbursable | tinyint | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vJobCustomerID | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vUseTaxSchedule | char | 15 | No |
| |
@I_vStateCode | char | 3 | No |
| |
@I_vInvoiceStyle | smallint | 5 | No |
| |
@I_vUpdateIfExists | tinyint | 3 | Yes | 0 | |
@I_vWennSoftTablesOnly | tinyint | 3 | Yes | 0 | |
@I_vOnlyValidate | tinyint | 3 | Yes | 0 | |
@I_vUSRDEFND1 | char | 50 | No |
| |
@I_vUSRDEFND2 | char | 50 | No |
| |
@I_vUSRDEFND3 | char | 50 | No |
| |
@I_vUSRDEFND4 | varchar | 8000 | No |
| |
@I_vUSRDEFND5 | varchar | 8000 | No |
| |
@I_vReturnErrorText | tinyint | 3 | No | 1 | |
@O_iErrorState | int | 10 | No | 0 | |
@oErrString | varchar | 255 | No |
Error Codes
Error Code | Description |
51123 | Password setup for View Job Maintenance |
51125 | Cannot import the job because the job is closed. |
51124 | Password set up for Edit Original Contract. |
51234 | Enter a Job Number |
51231 | Import updates to an existing Job with a Billing Type of Project Allocated Revenue, are not supported. |
51127 | You cannot change the billing type because invoices have been posted for this job. |
51128 | Unposted SOP documents exist for this job. Delete all SOP document for this job before changing the billing type. |
51129 | Unposted Job Cost invoices exist for this job. Delete all Job Cost invoices for this job before changing the billing type to SOP. |
51130 | There are committed costs for this job. You cannot change the billing type. |
51126 | Cannot change division because posted cost exists. |
51132 | There are invoices for this job. You cannot change the division. |
51140 | Unposted SOP documents exist for this job. You cannot change the division. |
51131 | There are committed costs for this job. You cannot change the division. |
51133 | No division accounts are set up for this division. You cannot change the division. |
51134 | No invoice accounts are set up for this division. You cannot change the division. |
51135 | No revenue accounts are set up for this division. You cannot change the division. |
51136 | No close job accounts are set up for this division. You cannot change the division. |
51137 | No offset accounts are set up for this division. You cannot change the division. |
51138 | No overhead detail accounts are setup for this division. You cannot change the division. |
52166 | Job Cost default Gross Pay Offset account is not setup. |
52179 | Cannot change field @I_vExcludefromPOCCalc with existing record(s) in the JC_Invoice_Open table for this job. |
52180 | Cannot change field @I_vExcludefromPOCCalc with existing Actual Total Costs for the job. |
52181 | Cannot change field @I_vExcludefromPOCCalc with Actual Labor Units TTD > 0 for the job. |
10003 | Create Date is not in a fiscal year |
51234 | Project Number must be for an Active project. |
52100 | The description field is blank. |
51111 | The division does not exist in the division setup table. |
51112 | The customer does not exist in the customer setup table. |
51113 | The address code does not exist in the customer master address table. |
51114 | The billing address does not exist in the customer master address table. |
51115 | The tax schedule ID does not exist in the tax schedule table. |
51116 | The project number does not exist in the project setup table. |
51117 | The estimator does not exist in the payroll master table. |
51118 | The project manager does not exist in the payroll master table. |
51119 | The SUTA State does not exist in the payroll unemployment setup table. |
51120 | The local tax does not exist in the payroll local tax setup table. |
51121 | The rate class does not exist in the rate class setup table. |
51122 | Verify certified payroll on the posting setup window before import the job. |
51064 | Procedure jcVerifyTRXDate failed on invalid date. Year cannot be 1900. |
51065 | Procedure jcVerifyTRXDate failed. Parameter: Series, Origin, or Date cannot be null. |