Table Name: JC00601
Describe what the WSI procedure does in regards to a business goal.
Element Name | Data Type | Length | Required | Default | Description |
@I_vWSJobNumber | char | 17 | Yes |
@I_vCostElement | smallint | 5 | Yes |
| Required |
@I_vBillCodeNumber | char | 27 | Yes |
| Required |
@I_vBillCodeDescription | char | 31 | No |
| Required |
@I_vBillPct | smallint | 5 | No |
@I_vBillAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vBilledAmountTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vTotalBillableAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vOriginatingTotalBillableAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vOriginatingBillAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vOriginatingBilledAmountTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vRetentionBilledTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vOriginatingRetentionBilledTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vOriginatingRetentionAmountTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vAddedByCOModule | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vChangeOrderNum | char | 15 | No |
@I_vUnitsBillable | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vUnitsBilledTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vUnitsBillingRate | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vRetentionAmountTTD | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vAccountIndex | int | 10 | No |
@I_vProfitTypeNumber | smallint | 5 | No |
@I_vProfitAmount | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vWorkInPlace | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vStoredToDate | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vBillCodeAlias | char | 31 | No |
@I_vUserID | char | 15 | No |
@I_vUserDefine1 | char | 31 | No |
@I_vUserDefine2 | char | 31 | No |
@I_vUserDefined1 | char | 21 | No |
@I_vUserDefined2 | char | 21 | No |
@I_vUserDefinedDollar1 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vUserDefinedDollar2 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vUserDefinedDollar3 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vUserDefinedDollar4 | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vUserDefinedInteger1 | int | 10 | No |
@I_vUserDefinedInteger2 | int | 10 | No |
@I_vUserDefinedInteger3 | int | 10 | No |
@I_vUserDefinedInteger4 | int | 10 | No |
@I_vUserDefinedDate1 | datetime |
| No |
@I_vUserDefinedDate2 | datetime |
| No |
@I_vWSUserDefinedDate3 | datetime |
| No |
@I_vWSUserDefinedDate4 | datetime |
| No |
@I_vUserDefinedCB1 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vUserDefinedCB2 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vUserDefinedCB3 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vUserDefinedCB4 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vSVLanguageID | smallint | 5 | No |
@I_vTimeZone | char | 3 | No |
@I_vWennsoftAffiliate | char | 15 | No |
@I_vWennsoftBranch | char | 15 | No |
@I_vWennsoftRegion | char | 15 | No |
@I_vWSReservedCB1 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vWSReservedCB2 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vWSReservedCB3 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vWSReservedCB4 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vWSReservedCB5 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vWSReservedCB6 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vWSReservedCB7 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vWSReservedCB8 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vWSReservedCB9 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vWSReservedCB10 | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vWSReservedSTR1 | char | 11 | No |
@I_vWSReservedSTR2 | char | 11 | No |
@I_vAllocatedPercent | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vRevenueAllocated | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vPercentComplete | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vEstHrtoComplete | numeric | 19,5 | No |
@I_vEstimateDate | datetime |
| No |
@I_vWSInactive | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vReimbursable | tinyint | 3 | No |
@I_vWSProjectNumber | char | 17 | Yes |
@I_vDEXROWID | int | 10 | No |
@I_vUpdateIfExists | tinyint | 3 | Yes | 0 | If Value is 1 then you can update record if it exists. |
@I_vWennSoftTablesOnly | tinyint | 3 | Yes | 0 |
@I_vOnlyValidate | tinyint | 3 | Yes | 0 | If value is 1 then you can validate without update |
@I_vUSRDEFND1 | char | 50 | No |
@I_vUSRDEFND2 | char | 50 | No |
@I_vUSRDEFND3 | char | 50 | No |
@I_vUSRDEFND4 | varchar | 8000 | No |
@I_vUSRDEFND5 | varchar | 8000 | No |
@I_vReturnErrorText | tinyint | 3 | No | 1 | If value is 0 then if multiple errors exist, you will get the list of error codes. |
@O_iErrorState | int | 10 | No | 0 |
@oErrString | varchar | 255 | No |
WSJobNumber is required for a Job level Billing Code and not required for a Project Level Billing Code. Cost element of the Job must exist in JC40209. If Billing type of the Job is Standard, SOP, TRX Level or Project Billing, then Bill codes cannot be created for this Billing type. For Fixed type of contract, if the bill codes total billable is greater than the contract expected amount. if the status of "Use a sales account for each bill code" is set to 1; then the account number cannot be blank, except Project Bill Code type the bill code cannot be saved.
Error Codes
Error Code | Description |
51005 | Bill Codes cannot be created for this billing type. |
51006 | The Total Billable amount cannot be greater than the Contract Expected Amount. |
51050 | An error occurred during an update or insert into a Signature table. |
51202 | The job is blank. |
51203 | The cost element is blank. |
51204 | The cost element does not exist in the cost element setup table. |
51206 | The account index does not exist in the account setup table. |
51400 | The bill code number is blank. |
51401 | Cannot insert the bill code because the job is inactive. |
52100 | The description field is blank. |
52300 | Bill Code Alias must be blank. |
52305 | Account Index must be empty. |