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Signature Template Pivot

This template allows you to create a matrix-based report that can pivot data into a column group and row group. You add numeric values to the body of the matrix, and totals appear based on the row and column criteria.

You must have SQL 2008 R2 Business Intelligence Studio installed to deploy and use this report template.

When you create a report based on this template, you can edit the following parameters in Report Manager:

  • You can use any field from your data source for grouping the values by row (Row Group).
  • You can use any field from your data source for grouping the values by column (Column Group).

Example: You may decide to use this template to create a Service Calls report. Numeric fields such as Cost All or Billable All are added when editing the report template in Report Builder. Rows are grouped based on Profit Center ID. Columns are grouped based on Call Status Name.

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