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Signature Template Group Filter

This template allows you to create a table-based report with information that can be sorted and grouped by any two fields, as well as filtered based on the first grouping field. You can add fields from the data source as columns on the report; if you add a field with numeric values, subtotal and report totals are included on the report.

When you create a report based on this template, you can edit the following parameters in Report Manager:

  • You can use any field from your data source to group and sort the values on the report (Group By and Group By 2).
  • You can select fields for filtering based on the first Group By value (FilterByStart and FilterByEnd).

Example: You may decide to use this template to create a Job Cost Code Report. Additional fields such as Cost Code Actual Cost TTD and Cost Code Actual Cost YTD are added as columns when editing the report template in Report Builder. In Report Manager, values are grouped first by Project Number. Values are grouped next by Cost Element Name, Cost Element ID, or Cost Code Alias. Values are filtered by Project Number, as this is the first Group By field.

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