Maintenance Contract Reports
Maintenance contract reports pertaining to a selected contract are accessible from the Maintenance Contract window using the Print button. Other maintenance contract reports are also available.
You can also create MCC calls and invoices for the selected contract using the Print button.
Maintenance Contract Summary Report
The Maintenance Contract Summary report presents a salesperson with a "live" maintenance contract proposal or furnishes a detailed summary of the customer's current maintenance contract for renewal. The report information is obtained from the Maintenance Contract window and lists the actual, estimated, and forecast costs. It also includes the maintenance tasks assigned to the contract and the total number of labor hours needed to complete the task.
- Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
- Select a customer and select the Contract indicator.
- Select a contract and select Print > Summary.
PM Work Schedule Report
This report lists the scheduled maintenance work for each piece of equipment at the selected location.
- Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
- Select a customer and select the Contract indicator.
- Select a contract and select Print > PM Reports.
- Using the radio buttons, select how to print and sort the report. You can also select to print a detail or summary report.
- Select Print.