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Importing SmartList Objects

SmartList Builder

You must own SmartList Builder to use Signature SmartList Builder objects.
The following must be set up in Equipment Management before importing SmartList Builder objects:

  • Equipment attributes
  • Equipment status
  • Equipment user-defined prompts
  • Model user-defined prompts
If changes are made to any of these items after importing SmartList Builder objects, you must re-import for those changes to be detected and appear on the Equipment and Equipment Model SmartLists.

You must be logged in as "sa" to import objects.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP >Tools > SmartList Builder > Import. Select the folder icon and navigate to the Signature SmartList Builder Objects folder in your Microsoft Dynamics GP directory.
  2. Select the appropriate XML file and select Open. Then select Import. When the import finishes, a message appears indicating the import process has completed. Select OK.
  3. Repeat the steps to import additional XML files, as needed.

SmartList Designer

If you do not own SmartList Builder, use SmartList Designer to create SmartLists by importing the Signature SmartList Objects.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > SmartList. Select Export/Import and then Import.
  2. Select Add and then navigate to <GP Install folder>\Signature\SmartList Designer Objects. If you have purchased SmartList Builder, you will want to import the objects for SmartList Builder. See the previous section for information on importing SmartList Builder objects.
  3. Select the appropriate XML file(s) and select Open. Then select Import. When the import finishes, a message appears indicating the import process has completed. Select OK.
  4. Repeat the steps to import additional XML files, as needed.
  5. Close the SmartList window and then re-open to complete the import process.
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