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Client Only Installation

If you do not have the necessary prerequisites for installing Signature products, the installation wizard will offer to install them for you.

IMPORTANT: Verify that the user installing or upgrading Signature has permission to access to all production and test companies.

Complete the installation steps in the following order:

Step 1: Run the Installation Wizard

  1. Launch the file Signature Products.exe

    Note: We recommended right-clicking the .exe file and choosing Run As Administrator. This is necessary even if you are logged in as an administrator, due to the way that Windows handles user roles.

  2. On the Welcome screen, select Next >.
  3. Accept the terms of the license agreement, and select Next >.
  4. Mark the Client Only Installation option, and select Next >.
  5. On the Product Selection window, select your installation choice from the drop-down menu next to each feature.
    • Signature Program
      Programs include Service Management, Job Cost, and TimeTrack.
    • Signature Utilities
      This program is used to import data. It also includes file maintenance utilities. The program is required for completing a server and client installation.
    • Signature SmartList Objects
      These objects can be imported into SmartList. If you are using SmartList Builder, refer to the eOne Integrated Business Solutions documentation for information on importing the Signature SmartList Builder objects. If you are using SmartList Designer, refer to the Microsoft Dynamics GP Systems User Guide for information on importing the Signature SmartList Designer objects. If you also own SmartList Builder, we recommend that you use the SmartList Builder Objects.
  6. Select Next>.
  7. Accept the default installation location, or use the Browse...button to find the folder where you want Signature to be installed. Select Next >.
  8. When you are ready to begin the installation, select Install.
  9. When the installation is complete, leave the View Readme Text checkbox marked if you want to read or print the SignatureReadme file. Unmark the Launch Signature Utilities checkbox, and select Finish.

Step 2: Launch Microsoft Dynamics GP and Include New Code

  1. Launch Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  2. Select Yes to the message asking if you wish to include new code. A message appears stating that SIGNATURE.CNK is being included.
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