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Bug Fixes

The following issues have been fixed:

Service Management

Case #Description


Payment term discount amounts are now calculated and a distribution under the type of AVAIL is created if the setup option Track Discounts Available in GL in Receivables Management Setup is marked.  This is for service and job cost invoices. This does not apply to Trade discounts.
SMS-1449In the Location window, users are now prompted to save or discard when looking up a different location with the lookup button.
SMS-1554Fixed an issue where the Renew button is active when attempting to renew a contract when fiscal periods are not set up. 
SMS-1753The CUSTNMBR and ADRSCODE fields are now populated in the WSDOCS table when an attachment is added to a service appointment.
SMS-2076We've fixed an issue where users were able to save a vendor item in the Mobile Purchase Order window after receiving an error message that indicates the vendor does not exist in the Vendor Master table.

When using the Relative Schedule setup option:

  • When renewing a maintenance contract with modified task schedules, the dates are now created as expected.
  • The system no longer freezes when attempting to renew a maintenance contract.
SMS-2094When using Advanced Documentation's Copy File option, appointments are now saved as expected to an Appointments folder.
SMS-2111When deleting a maintenance invoice batch, the maintenance invoices are rolled back out of tables sv00510 and SV00564. The table SV00500 is updated on the amount billed based on what was deleted from the RM table.
SMS-2112If there are contracts that do not yet have billing amounts and the view is run, users will no longer receive a "Divide by zero" error message.
SMS-2116When you have a contract on hold and you are creating MCC calls, calls are no longer created for the contract on hold. This occurred when the skill level on the tasks on the contract in SV_Contract_Task_MSTR (SV00582) table did not exist in the SV_Location_Technicians_MSTR (SV00215) table (also matching the customer number and address code from the contract).   
SMS-2119When using the Duplicate Equipment utility, the modified date and time is now updated as expected in the SV00400 table.
SMS-2120The Mass Closing report now prints as expected when the report is assigned to any role for access.
SMS-2122We've updated the SV_Language_ID for wsiSMSTaskCodes stored procedure so that when task codes are added using this stored procedure, the SV_Language_ID defaults to 0.
SMS-2126We've made an adjustment to the Service WIP Reconciliation view so that unposted service general ledger transaction entries don't display in the UNPOSTED GL section since they aren't in the Service Subledger yet either. Previously, the system was showing a false out-of-balance that automatically corrected on posting because the amount was displayed in the General Ledger, but wasn't in the Subledger yet (because it was unposted).
SMS-2127Users will now receive the correct error message when using SmartConnect if they have renamed the SmartConnect database.
SMS-2152Costs are now being backed out from the SV00300 table when re-opening a service call that was manually closed and the user chooses to rebill those costs. The costs from SV00701 are used to reduce the costs in SV00300.
SMS-2158Duplicate service call numbers will no longer be returned when a second process calls the SQL procedure SMS_Get_New_Service_Call_ID within 10 ms of the first call. The SMS_Get_New_Service_Call_ID SQL stored procedure has been updated with the "WITH (UPLOCK)" added to the SV000062 select statement. 
SMS-2161We have enhanced the performance when saving a service call when there are many tasks and task responses attached to the service call. 
SMS-2176When running the Cost/Billing Check Links, the Billable_All field in SV00300 no longer includes Billable_Tax.
SMS-2177The Master Contract Service History window now only shows the service calls attached to the customer in the window that also belong to the master contract. 
SMS-2197Purchase order numbers are no longer duplicated when the purchase order is created in Schedule.
When renewing a master contract logged into GP with a user that has a space or period in the name, an error message no longer displays.
SMS-2256When using the Move Utility, customer attachments are no longer moved along with the location information.
SMS-2297When multiple users are getting the next number at the same time,  service invoice numbers are no longer duplicated.
SMS-2324All items are now displaying when using the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP Purchasing Invoice Entry window and switching the views from Vendor Item to Item. This issue only occurred when Signature Job Cost was registered.
SMS-2332When zooming on the SOP costs in the Service Invoice window, users will no longer receive a get/change operation error on table SOP_HDR_WORK if the customer number on a service call has an apostrophe and an SOP document is created for that call.

Job Cost

Case #Description
JC-370The Job Printable Notes report now includes the job appointment notes that are marked as printable. 
JC-382The Job Cost Audit Report has been updated to increase the Amount field size. The page footer was removed to increase the amount of data displayed on each page.
JC-487Users can now create an for the Billable Retention amount. Previously, users received an error message stating the invoice amount exceeded the expected contract amount and were not able to save the invoice.
JC-493The Job Type setup window now prompts you to Save or Discard if you select the "X" button in the top right corner of the window.
JC-495Unposted fixed asset transactions are now showing in the Unposted Cost column on the Job Status window or on the Job Closing Preparation report. 
JC-499We've updated the Batch Recovery process so that if a batch being recovered relates to a job or service call, the batch will not post as part of the recovery process. These batches can be posted from the normal master posting.
JC-500In the Job Close window, when entering a transaction date that is not within an open fiscal year, the validation error message now accurately reflects the issue.

The Job Closing Preparation SSRS report now includes checks that are made in the Close Jobs window. 


Unposted payments now display on the Job Cost Payables Aged Trial Balance SSRS report. The only cosmetic change to the report is the addition of the legend showing that unposted payments have a prefix of “**” in front of the payment number.

You will need to redeploy the Payables Aged Trial Balance.rdl to see these changes. For information on how to deploy an SSRS report, see Signature SSRS Report Setup.
JC-537When importing master cost codes to update existing codes using wsiJCCostCodesMSTRSETP from SmartConnect, users will no longer receive the error message "Cost Code Alias must be empty". 
In the Transaction Level Billing and Project Transaction Level Billing windows, voided lines no longer display in the bottom scrolling window. 


Case #Description
TT-219When you have a TimeTrack batch with only unbilled transactions and you either do not have Job Cost or Service Management setup, the committing of that batch now sends the transactions to Microsoft Dynamics GP Payroll.
TT-246In the Time Card Batch Entry window, users will no longer receive an erroneous "Subquery returned more than one value" error message after selecting a batch.
TT-248Email notifications are now working if the email setup is using Exchange with multi-factor authentication (MFA).  

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