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Editing Service GL Transaction Journal Entries

You can use the Correct or Copy buttons in the Signature Transaction Entry window to edit a journal entry.


This correctional feature reverses an entry exactly as it was created and any subsequent divisional accounting changes are not recognized.

Correcting a Journal Entry

You can:

  • Correct a journal entry posted to an open job, if the journal entry was not created from the Job Transaction Entry window. If the transaction was entered in the Job Transaction Entry window, you will not be able to correct the journal entry in the Signature Transaction Entry window.
  • Correct a journal entry on a closed job, however the job will not be updated. Closed jobs are not re-opened. If you are using divisional posting, the division expense account number (that the job was in) is credited. This is the Cost of Goods Sold account that was debited when the job was closed. The Transaction Date that displays on the Back Out Journal Entry is the original transaction date. 
    • If you want the correction to update the job, you will need to re-open the job before you correct the journal entry. 
    • If you should re-open the job after you've made the correcting entry, the job will not be updated. The re-opened job will be using the original journal entry.
  • Correct a journal entry posted to an open or closed service call. If the service call is closed, the call is re-opened. 

Correcting and Copying is not available for:

  • Intracompany journal entries
  • Inactive jobs
  • Transactions created in the Job Transaction Entry window

Backing Out a Journal Entry

When you back out a journal entry, a reversing entry will be created when you post the transaction or save the transaction to a batch (and then post the batch). If you decide to not back out the journal entry, prior to posting or saving to a batch, you can select the Clear button.

To back out a journal entry:

  1. Select Transactions > Financial > General or from the Service Call window by choosing the Journal Entry button.
  2. Select the Correct button.
  3. In the Correct Journal Entry window, select the Action option to Back Out a Journal Entry.
  4. Select the Originating Journal Entry Year.
  5. Enter or select the Original Journal Entry number.
  6. Select OK.
  7. If the journal entry was for a closed service call, a message displays indicating that the service call will be reopened. This message will display for each closed service call that was on the journal entry. Select OK to continue with the process to reopen the service call or select Cancel to abort the entire process of reopening a closed service call (and therefore not backing out the journal entry).
  8. In the Signature Transaction Entry window, the Journal Entry field displays the new journal entry number.
  9. The Reference field displays "Back Out Journal Entry" and the original journal entry number.
  10. The scrolling window displays the service call and/or job information with the amounts in the opposite Debit or Credit field as this transaction is to reverse the original journal entry.
  11. You can save or post the transaction.
  12. If this was on a closed service call, you will need to process any costs on the call and then close the service call.

Backing Out and Creating a Correcting Entry

When you back out a journal entry, a reversing entry is created when you post the transaction or save the transaction to a batch (and then post the batch). The Signature Transaction Entry window will then populate with the appropriate accounts for you to create the correcting journal entry. If you decide to not back out the journal entry, prior to posting or saving the "backing out" transaction to a batch, you can select the Clear button.

To back out and create a correcting journal entry:

  1. Select Transactions > Financial > General or from the Service Call window by choosing the Journal Entry button.
  2. Select the Correct button.
  3. In the Correct Journal Entry window, select the Action option to Back Out a Journal Entry and Create a Correcting Entry.
  4. Select the Originating Journal Entry Year.
  5. Enter or select the Original Journal Entry number.
  6. Select OK.
  7. If the journal entry was for a closed service call, a message displays indicating that the service call will be reopened. This message will display for each closed service call that was on the journal entry. Select OK to continue with the process to reopen the service call or select Cancel to abort the entire process of reopening a closed service call (and therefore not backing out the journal entry and not creating a correcting a journal entry).
  8. In the Signature Transaction Entry window, the Journal Entry field displays the new journal entry number.
  9. The Reference field displays "Back Out Journal Entry" and the original journal entry number.
  10. The scrolling window displays the service call and/or job information with the amounts in the opposite Debit or Credit field as this transaction is to reverse the original journal entry.
  11. You can save or post the transaction.
  12. After you save or post the transaction, you can enter the correcting journal entry.
  13. The new journal entry number is displayed in the Journal Entry field.
  14. The Reference field displays "Correct Journal Entry" and the original journal entry number.
  15. The Transaction Date field displays the original transaction date.
  16. The scrolling window displays the service call and/or job information with the amounts displayed in the original Debit or Credit field.
  17. Make your corrections, as needed. 
  18. Save or post the correcting journal entry.
  19. If this was on a closed service call, you will need to process any costs on the call and then close the service call.

Copying a Journal Entry

Copying a journal entry populates the Signature Transaction Entry window with the debits and credits from the journal entry that you select in the Copy Journal Entry window. You can then edit the information and post or save to a batch. The new journal entry retains the association with the service call and/or job. 

You can:

  • Copy a journal entry posted to an open or closed service call. If the service call is closed, the call is re-opened. 
  • Copy a journal entry posted to an open job, if the journal entry was not created from the Job Transaction Entry window. If the transaction was entered in the Job Transaction Entry window, you will not be able to correct the journal entry in the Signature Transaction Entry window.
  • Copy a journal entry on a closed job, however the job will not be updated. Closed jobs are not re-opened. If you are using divisional posting, the division expense account number (that the job was in) is credited. This is the Cost of Goods Sold account that was debited when the job was closed. The Transaction Date that displays on the Back Out Journal Entry is the original transaction date. 
    • If you want the correction to update the job, you will need to re-open the job before you correct the journal entry. 
    • If you should re-open the job after you've made the copied entry, the job will not include the copied journal entry. The re-opened job will be using the original journal entry.

To copy a journal entry:

  1. Select Transactions > Financial > General or from the Service Call window by choosing the Journal Entry button.
  2. Select the Copy button.
  3. In the Copy Journal Entry window, select the Original Journal Entry Year.
  4. Enter or select the Original Journal Entry.
  5. Select OK.
  6. In the Signature Transaction Entry window, the debits and credits default into the scrolling window. 
  7. Enter a reference in the Reference field.
  8. Enter the Transaction Date.
  9. Save or post the correcting journal entry.
  10. If this was on a closed service call, you will need to process any costs on the call and then close the service call.
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