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Setting up Contact Management

Enabling Contact Management

To use Contact Management, you need to enable in Service Management Service Options.

  1. In Microsoft Dynamics, go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools >Setup > Service Management > Module Setup > Service Options.
  2. Mark Use Contact Management.
  3. Mark the following options as needed:
    • Show Location Contact Fields
      Mark to display the Contact fields on the Service Call window.
    • Use Contact Call Sequence Numbers
      The Use Contact Call Sequence Numbers checkbox is used when assigning local contacts using the Contact button from the Maintenance Contract window. If you mark this checkbox, you can prioritize numerous local phone numbers attached to the same maintenance contract.
    • Auto Create Location Contact on Service Call
      Mark to automatically save the Location Contact information entered in the Service Call window to Contact Management as a local contact.
  4. Select OK.

Enabling Agency Contacts Addition on User Profile

To allow users to be able to add an Agency Contact, you will need to enable this option on their User Profile. This is a per user setting. If this option isn't marked, users can create Location Contacts. Agency contacts can be assigned to any number of contracts or locations, for example, within a fire or police department. Local contacts are specific to one location.

  1. In Microsoft Dynamics, go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools >Setup > Service Management > System Administration > User Profile.
  2. Enter the system password.
  3. Select the user.
  4. In the Allow section, mark Agency Contacts Addition.
  5. Select Save.
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