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Using a Submit Acknowledgement

If your company requires employees to acknowledge that their time entry is accurate, you can enable the Use Acknowledgement feature and enter the statement in the Time Settings window. With Use Acknowledgement enabled, when an employee selects the Submit Time button, the statement displays in a pop-up window and the employee can select Yes or No. If they select Yes, the timesheet is submitted. If they select No, they are returned to the Time Entries list and the timesheet is not submitted.

To enable the Acknowledgement in Time:

  1. In Time, select Administration.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. Under Company Settings, select the Use Acknowledgement toggle.

  4. In the Acknowledgement Message text window, enter your company’s acknowledgement statement.
    You can use any of the rich text buttons to change the font size, font, font styles, alignment, font color, and background color.

  5. Select Save in the Time Settings window.

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