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Submit the Timesheet

After you have entered your time for the pay period, you will need to submit your timesheet. After you select the Submit Time button, you will need to verify that the number of transactions you submit is correct. Depending on your company’s settings, the Submit Time Entries window may also include an acknowledgment message.

To submit your timesheet:

  1. In Time, select Submit Time.

  2. In the Submit Time Entries window, select Yes to acknowledge the number of entries and the message, if displayed, and submit your timesheet.
    If you select No, you will return to the Time Entries list and your time has not been submitted.

  • The hours entered display as bold text if the time entry is still open. Once you have submitted the time, the hours display in regular text.

  • After you have submitted your timesheet, you can add time to the entry by selecting the ellipsis for the entry and then selecting Add Time.

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