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Enabling Time In/Time Out

The Time In/Time Out feature sets the Time app to have employees time into a time entry and then time out to create the time entry. When enabled, employees no longer enter a number for their time.

Employees can edit their time in and time out entries. If you use Manager Approval, managers can also edit the time in and time out entries. To prevent the editing of time in and time out entries, you can enable the Lock Time In/Time Out Entries toggle.

To enable Time In/Time Out:

  1. In Time, select Administration.

  2. Select Settings.

  3. Under Company Settings, select the Use Time In/Time Out toggle.

  4. If you do not want the time in and time out entries to be editable, enable the Lock Time In/Time Out Entries toggle. Note that with this enabled, if you use Manager Approval, managers can’t edit these values for their employees.

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