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Edit a Time Entry

A time entry can be edited if the timesheet has not been submitted. You may find that a time entry has an import error in the TimeTrack, the cell displays red along with a tooltip that explains the error. For example, if a cost code is inactive for a job, the tooltip message will display this information. You can then edit or delete the time entry. You can also add, view, or delete notes. See Working with Notes.

When editing a time entry on the same day that has multiple hour entries(for example, 1 hour, 2 hours, and 5 hours), after you select to edit the entry from the timesheet, an edit window displays so that you can select to edit the specific hour entry.


  • When selecting the activity name, cost code, and/or pay code for the time entry, the full name may not be visible. Once you save the row, the data will display.

  • The hours entered display as bold text if the time entry is still open. Once you have submitted the time, the hours display in regular text.

  • When editing a time entry with multiple hour entries for the day, a new time entry row may be created on the timesheet if you have edited any field other than the Hours field.

To edit a time entry:

  1. On the Time Entry window, select the time entry ellipsis next to the entry to edit or, if you are using the Time mobile app, select the entry to edit.

  2. Select Edit Time.

    • If there are multiple hour entries for the time entry, in the Time Entries for <day, date> window, select the pencil icon to the right of the hour entry you need to edit. (You can also add a time entry by selecting the + button and delete an entry in this window by selecting the trash can icon.)

    • If there is a single entry for the day, the edit window displays.

  3. In the Time Entry window, make your edits.

  4. The delete icon will display when the status is Open/Rejected/Error.

  5. Select Save Options and choose from one of the following:  

    • Save: Saves the transaction for the selected day. 

      • The Time Entry window remains open and the Add Note icon now displays to the right of the time entry. You can edit the current time entry or you can select a different day to add a time entry with the same selections. See Working with Notes.

      • Any changes made for the same day will edit the saved transaction.

    • Save & New: Saves the current transaction and then clears the Time Entry window so that you can enter a new transaction for the same activity type (unbilled, service, or job) for the current day or a different day.

    • Save & Close: Saves the transaction and closes the Time Entry window.

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