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Creating a Time Entry with Hours

To create a time entry:

  1. On the timesheet, you can add a time entry with the following options:

    • Select Add Activity.

      • If you use the web version, the Add Activity button is at the top right of the time entries grid.

      • If you use the Time mobile app, the Add Activity button is in the lower right corner.

    • To add a time entry for an existing activity on the timesheet, select the ellipses icon and then select Add Time.

  2. Select from the following activity types:

    • Job Activity

    • Service Activity

    • Unbilled Activity

  3. Select the day you are entering the time for. This defaults to the current day of the week.

  4. Select the job, service call, or unbilled activity.  The label that is displayed is dependent on the type of activity selected.

  5. Select the Cost Code. (Required for job and service activities)
    When the activity is a:

    • Job Activity: The cost code list is populated after you select the job. If only one job cost code exists, that cost code auto-populates in the field.

    • Service Activity: the description is shown in the field.

  6. Select the Pay Code. (Required) Pay codes are sorted by pay code type and then alphabetically. The lookup will be populated with pay codes for the selected employee. If only one pay code exists, that pay code will be defaulted in the lookup.

  7. Select the Shift Code, if needed. (This field displays if Shift Codes are enabled in Company Settings.)

  8. Enter the Hours. (Required)

    • Hours must be between -24 and 24

    • Hours may be any decimal. When entering less than an hour, you may need to enter a zero before adding the decimal. (So for 30 minutes, type “0.5”.

  9. Select Save Options and choose from one of the following:  

    • Save: Saves the transaction for the selected day. 

      • The Time Entry window remains open and the Add Note icon now displays to the right of the time entry. You can edit the current time entry or choose a different day to add a time entry with the same selections. See Working with Notes.

      • Any changes made for the same day will edit the saved transaction.

    • Save & New: Saves the current transaction and clears the Time Entry window so that you can enter a new transaction for the same activity type (unbilled, service, or job) for the current day or a different day.

    • Save & Close: Saves the transaction and closes the Time Entry window.

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