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Step 1: Create Core Company

It is recommended to name the Core company similar to the Microsoft Dynamics GP Company for ease of identification. At a minimum, you will need to add the company name, contract type, and address. The company's admin user can update the remaining fields later.

  1. In Core, select the menu icon to open the Mega Navigation. In the Admin section, select Settings. You can also access Company Settings by selecting K2A Core > Company > Settings.

  2. Select Actions > Create.

  3. Complete the following fields on the Company Settings view.

    • Company Name: (Required) Enter the unique company name. 

    • Contract Type: (Required) Select the contract type. (Required)

    • Company Time Zone: Select the time zone for the company. The time zone determines how data is displayed and appointments are scheduled. You can also set the time zone for specific users. See User Permissions in Building Optimization Broker documentation.

    • Address: (Required) In the Search for Address field, begin typing the physical address of the building. Select the appropriate address from the autocomplete selections to fill in the remaining address fields.

    • Company Logo: Select the small blue square icon to upload your company's logo (.png only). The logo is displayed in email communications.

    • Accent Color: Select a color using the color charge, or enter the hexadecimal color value to display in email communications.

  4. Select Create to save.

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