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Installing Job Import on a Server and Client

If job imports and updates will be done by existing GP users, you will not have to install Job Import on a server.

  1. Launch the file SignatureJobImport-16.1.xx.exe.
  2. On the Welcome screen, choose Next >.
  3. Accept the terms of the license agreement and choose Next >.
  4. Select the Server and Client radio button, then enter the name of the server where Microsoft Dynamics GP and Signature are installed. If necessary, obtain this information from your system administrator or database manager. Choose Next >. Choose the server instance from the drop-down menu. If a named instance has not been set up, use the default localhost option. Enter the name of the database and the login information for the system administrator, then choose Next >.
  5. Use the drop-down menu to select a company database and choose Add. Choose Next >.
  6. Verify the selected databases and choose Next >.
  7. Accept the default installation location or use the Browse... button to find the folder where you want the Job Import application to be installed. Choose Next >.
  8. When you are ready to begin the installation, choose Install.
  9. When the installation is complete, choose Finish.
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