Adding More Fields for a Custom Spreadsheet
You can create a custom spreadsheet by populating the Job Import worksheet with additional fields for importing in Job Cost. You may want to make a copy of the default Signature Job Import.xlsm spreadsheet to customize.
These additional fields cannot be validated. Make sure valid values are entered before importing.
- Open the custom spreadsheet.
- If macros have been disabled, enable content for the spreadsheet.
- Select the Job Import worksheet.
- Scroll down to locate row #59, which contains the headings for fields in the Cost Codes & Estimates section. This is where you can add more fields.
- Select column I, which is the blank column immediately after the Estimate Measure column. You can add fields beginning with column I.
The labels for these columns must match exactly what is shown in the right column of the table below; otherwise, data entered into those fields will not be imported. Pay close attention to capitalization.
For this JC00071 table field | Enter this as the column heading |
WS_Manager_ID | ManagerID |
WS_Inactive | Inactive |
Profit_Type_Number | ProfitTypeNumber |
Profit_Amount | ProfitAmount |
Next_Subdivision_Type | NextSubdivisionType |
WS_Account_Index_2 | AccountIndex2 |
Track_Production_Qty | TrackProductionQty |
Production_Estimate_Qty | ProductionEstQty |
Production_Actual_Qty | ProductionActualQty |
Production_Qty_Curr_Per | ProductionQtyCurrPer |
Production_Best | ProductBest |
Production_Best_Date | ProductionBestDate |
Production_Measure_Code | ProductionMeasureCode |
Bill_Type | BillType |
Sched_Completion_Date | ScheduleCompletionDate |
ACTCOMPDATE | ActualCompletionDate |
Schedule_Start_Date | ScheduleStartDate |
ACTSTARTDATE | ActualStartDate |
Billing_Schedule_Line | BillingScheduleLine |
WRKRCOMP | WorkComplete |
Labor_Group_Name | LaborGroupName |
User_Define_1 | UserDefine1 |
User_Define_2 | UserDefine2 |
User_Def_Integer_1 | UserDefInteger1 |
User_Def_Integer_2 | UserDefInteger2 |
User_Defined_Integer_3 | UserDefInteger3 |
User_Defined_Integer_4 | UserDefInteger4 |
User_Defined_Dollar_1 | UserDefDollar1 |
User_Defined_Dollar_2 | UserDefDollar2 |
User_Defined_Dollar_3 | UserDefDollar3 |
User_Defined_Dollar_4 | UserDefDollar4 |
USRDAT01 | UserDefDate1 |
USRDAT02 | UserDefDate2 |
User_Defined_Date_3 | UserDefDate3 |
User_Defined_Date_4 | UserDefDate4 |
User-Defined_CB_1 | UserDefCheckBox1 |
User-Defined_CB_2 | UserDefCheckBox2 |
User-Defined_CB_3 | UserDefCheckBox3 |
User_Defined_CB_4 | UserDefCheckBox4 |
ITEMNMBR | ItemNum |
PORDMNMR | PurchaseOrderNum |