Employee Utilization
This report shows employee hours and T&M billing contribution by employee, with categories for Job, Service, and Internal Billed/Unbilled and Utilized/Non-utilized work. You can define non-utilized work based on Job, Cost Code, Pay Code, Customer, and/or Contract Type. By default, hours with a cost code of 1 (Labor) against a job or service call are considered utilized. Unbilled time is non-utilized. This report provides multiple expandable summary levels and sorting options, as well as graphs of the Top/Bottom 10 Customers and Employee hours. These graphs can be used to help determine if a customer site has a negative or positive effect on the utilization of any employee who works there; you may choose to adjust pricing for that customer accordingly. This report helps leaders evaluate and share employee productivity levels in comparison with both personal goals and the productivity of other employees. Top and bottom performers can be identified in terms of billing generated, as well as total hours and percent of total hours spent on company-defined non-utilized jobs, contracts, pay codes, cost codes, or types.