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Editing Cost Transactions from Service Management

You can edit all cost transactions from the Service Invoice window. You may need to select Redisplay in the Service Invoice window to update the displayed totals after editing the costs. If a mistake was made when entering a cost, the original entry can be deleted if it has not yet been posted by choosing Delete.

  1. Select Cards > Service Management > Service Manager.
  2. Select a customer and select the History indicator.
  3. Double-click a call and select Invoice.
  4. In the Service Invoice window, zoom on a cost category.
  5. In the Costs or Labor Costs window, double-click a transaction to open the Adjustment to Costs window. 

    If a cost originated in Microsoft Dynamics GP, you can select a line item in the Costs window and zoom on the Reference Number field to open the Microsoft Dynamics GP transaction entry window.

  6. Edit the Billing Amount, Equipment ID, and Item Description fields as necessary. The Equipment ID field is not available for labor transactions.

    The Billable and Taxable checkboxes cannot be edited after the cost transaction has been posted. You can, however, enter a billable amount at this time. The taxable amount cannot be edited.

  7. Select Save.
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