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Additional Job Close Setup

Use the Job Close Setup window to disable filters, indicate the columns that display related to jobs and projects, and to enable users to save a job close schedule. 

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Job Cost > Job Cost Setup > Posting Options.
  2. In the Posting Options window, select Additional and then choose Job Close Setup.
  3. The Report Folder and Reports fields default to display folder and report names. You would only need to edit these fields if you have a custom report that may or may not reside in a different folder. 
  4. In the Disable Filters section, mark the filters that you do not want to show in the Close Jobs window. All four options display unless marked to disable. Note that you are required to have at least one filter displayed in the Close Job window.
    • All Jobs
    • Project
    • Customer
    • Division
  5. In the Enable Job Columns mark, mark any additional job-related columns to display in the Available Jobs scrolling window. These default to none marked.
    • Job Name
    • Manager ID
    • Job Address
    • Contract Type
    • Billing Type
  6. In the Enable Project Columns section, mark any additional project-related columns to display in the Available Jobs scrolling window. These default to none marked.
    • Project Name/Description
    • Architect ID
    • Project Set-up Date
    • Project Closed Date
  7. In the Close Job UI Processing Threshold section, mark the number of minutes the job close SQL process may need. The default value is 2 minutes. We recommend that you only change this value if the process times out.
  8. Mark Enable Save Schedule to display the Save Schedule button in the Job Close window. This defaults to not marked. Saving a job close schedule allows users to save the entire list of jobs for the User ID and Posting Date for processing later. Any jobs that were marked prior to saving will still be marked when the saved schedule is opened again.
  9. Choose Save.
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