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New Features

Case #Description
SCHED-244Users can now manually enter a service call ID when creating a new service call from the Customer Hub if the Signature Service Call ID setup window is set to Option 1 User enters Service Call ID.
SCHED-646If you have your Resources filtered to only display one Technician Team on the Schedule Resource grid, when you open the Appointment Wizard and select to create appointments for a Technician Team, the Team field will default to the filtered team. If you have more than one technician team displayed, you will need to manually select the appropriate team.


Schedule is now integrated with the Building Optimization Broker’s Service Request Management module.  New role-based security in Schedule administration can enable a Schedule user to view and act upon new Service Requests to either accept or decline those requests.   Accepting a request will initiate the new service call form, with information defaulted from the linked Signature customer, location, equipment, and contact (optional). The number of service requests that have been created in Building Optimization Broker and available to be processed in Schedule is indicated on the Schedule menu bar to the right of the Service Requests button. This number is updated when Schedule auto-refreshes, which is based on the Time Period set up in Global Options Settings. For information on working with service requests from Building Optimization Broker, see Processing Service Requests from Building Optimization Broker.

See Building Optimization Broker Settings for setting up the integration in Schedule.

The Administrator role has Building Optimization permissions automatically set to View, Edit, and Delete. For any other role, you will need to manually set these permissions.

SCHED-944Users now have the ability in Schedule Configuration to add a default appointment status for manually created new appointments. (Settings > Configuration)
SCHED-1104The On/Off toggle buttons in the Notes window have been updated so that they are more noticeable.
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