You can initiate a new service call for a customer from the Customer Hub. This opens the New Service Call window on the Schedule tab.
To create a new service call from the Customer Hub, right-click on the customer from the list.
Choose Create New Service Call for <customer name - location>.
Choose the Schedule tab to see the New Service Call window.
Complete the following fields, as applicable:
Customer Number/Customer Name Display-only. The customer number and customer name default from the Customer Hub.
Address ID Display-only. The Address ID defaults from the Customer Hub.
Location Name Display-only. The location name defaults from the Customer Hub.
Service Call Display-only. The service call ID is generated when the service call is saved.
Description Enter a brief description of the reason for the call. Use the notepad button to enter multiple pages of notes for the service call. These notes appear on Workorder 1 and Workorder 3.
Division(required) Use the lookup to select a division for the service call.
Service Call Type Select the service call type. The MCC call type is not available in the lookup window because MCC calls are generated by the system.
Contract Number Use the lookup to open the Contract Lookup window. This window displays all open and expired contracts. Expired contracts display the start and end dates in red. You can still select an expired contract for a new service call as Schedule follows the same selection process as Service Management. To select the contract in the lookup window, double-click anywhere on the row or select the Add icon to the far right of the contract.
To remove the contract from the Contract field on the Service Call window, click the Remove icon to the right of the contract.
Equipment Select the drop-down to add equipment to the service call. This will also create the default task for the service call as defined in Service Options.
Resource The assigned technician displays but you can choose another technician.
Start Date (and Time) The date and time of the service call. The system date defaults and can be changed.
Date/Time Lock When marked, this prevents the call from being rolled forward when Auto-Roll Calls Forward is used. A Date/Time Lock icon is displayed on the service appointment in Schedule when this is turned on. This option is available when the service call has only 1 appointment.
Estimated Hours The amount of time it takes to complete the service appointment.
Service Call Status This defaults to Open but you can select another status from the drop-down.
Bill Customer ID/Bill Address ID Display-only. The bill customer ID and bill address ID default from the Customer Hub.
Job Number Use the lookup to open the Job Lookup window. To select a job in the lookup window, double-click anywhere on the row or select the Add icon to the far right of the job.
Original Service Call If this new service call is based on another service call, you can select the original service call from the drop-down.
Caller Information
Use the lookup to select an existing contact or you can add a new contact on-the-fly.
Choose Save.
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