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Printing the Job Schedule by Cost Code Report

This report allows you to view the job information including: Job number, customer, bill to customer, project manager, project number, division, contract type, job address ID, bill to address ID, job start date, job completion date, project management percentage complete, and job status.

Also included are the job's cost code information including: the cost codes and descriptions, status, start and completion dates, estimated hours, actual hours, estimated remaining hours, scheduled appointment hours, unposted TimeTrack hours, remaining less scheduled hours. Each job's total hours are displayed beneath the job. The end-of-report footer includes hour totals for all jobs included in the report.

If the job does not have any cost codes and you attempt to run the report, an error message will display.

To print the job schedule:

  1. In Schedule, right-click on a job in the Job Panel from the Schedule Board.

  2. Select Job Schedule by Cost Code Report.

  3. Complete the report header information: 

    • Print Cost Code Schedule

      • Select Yes to include a 6-week Gantt-style forecast schedule that displays the number of hours currently scheduled. The default is Yes.

      • Select No to prevent the 6-week Gantt-style forecast schedule from being displayed.

    • Schedule Start
      Select the date the schedule starts for the report. The date defaults to today's date.

    • Divisions
      Select drop-down arrow and then mark the divisions to include.

    • Print by:

      • Job Number (default)
        Each job starts on a separate page.

      • Division
        Each division starts on a separate page, with multiple jobs on each page.

    • From Job/To Job
      These fields default to the job that you right-clicked on from the Job Panel, however you can select any job from the drop-down.

  4. Select View Report.

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