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Completing Appointments

To complete an appointment you can:

  • Right-click on the appointment, select Status and then select COMPLETE.

  • Double-click an appointment, change the Status in the appointment details window to COMPLETE, and then select Save.

When an appointment is completed:

  • The Completion Date field is enabled. The Completion Time is set automatically to display the time based off the Start Time and the Actual Hours.

  • The Actual Hours field in the appointment details window is enabled. The Actual Hours field is initially set to the Estimated Hours. 

    • If you edit the Actual Hours, the Completion Time is updated. 

    • If you edit the Completion Time, the Actual Hours updates, rounded to 2 decimal places. 
      For example, if the start time is 7:00 AM and the Estimated Hours are 2, the Completion Time is set to 9:00 AM. If you edit the Actual Hours to 3, the Completion Time updates to 10:00 AM. If you edit the Completion Time to 10:45 AM, the Actual Hours updates to display 3.75 hours.

    • If you are manually completing a future appointment, the Actual Hours field is set to .25.

  • After an appointment has been completed, you can no longer drag or resize the appointment on the schedule board. However, you can change the appointment length by opening the appointment details window and changing the value in the Actual Hours field.

If appointments are manually completed in Schedule and/or Signature, the system uses the following logic to calculate the completion date and time as an appointment is set to a completed status.

  • The Completion date/time is defaulted to the appointment start time and date plus the actual hours entered by the technician.

  • If the technician has not entered actual hours, the calculation will use the estimated hours to determine the completion time.

  • If there are no estimated hours (or actual hours) entered, the system will use a default duration of 15 minutes so that the appointment remains displayed on the schedule board.

Our goal is to calculate the appointment completion date/time most effectively as this value is not driven by the date/time the service call is physically set to a completed status.

IMPORTANT: If you are manually completing a future appointment, the Actual Hours are set to .25. No calculations are performed.

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