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Altering the Resource Data Shown in the Timeline View

This example shows you how to set the Resource box to display only the Tech ID and Primary Skill Level in the Schedule Grid when using the Timeline View.

  1. Go to the folder where the schedulerControl.js file is installed. For a base installation, using the installation defaults, it would be here: 
    C:\Program Files (x86)\Signature\Schedule\Scripts\K2A\SchedulerControl

  2. Make a copy of the current schedulerControl.js file and paste it into the same folder, for backup purposes.

  3. Edit the schedulerControl.js file with Notepad++.

  4. Go to this part of the code (possibly at the end of the script): 
    resourceColumnData: function (resource, label) {return "<div id='headerLabel-" + resource.key + "' data-resourceID='" + resource.key + "' class='resourceHeaderDetail' style='height: 100% !important;'   ondblclick='COMMON.showResourceDetail(" + resource.key + ")'>\ <div class='resourceDataDetail'>" + label + "</div><div class='resourceDataDetail'>" + resource.resource + "</div><div class='resourceDataDetail'>" +  resource.skillLevel + " </div><div class='resourceDataDetail'>" + + "</div></div>";

  5. Replace this area of the script with this text:
    <div class='resourceDataDetail'>" + resource.resource + "</div><div class='resourceDataDetail'>" + resource.skillLevel + "</div></div>";

  6. Save changes to the file.

  7. Launch Schedule.

  8. CTRL-F5 to update the configuration files.

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