User '' is missing 'Read' privilege for 'mobileproject_role' entity on organization 'XXXX'
Description: After upgrading, we cannot get any of the Client devices to sync and download the current Woodford Project. The Client authenticates successfully and starts syncing, but ends in the following error.
<EXCEPTION>14:45:07.721: Customization download failed
Net.RescoSoapException: Server Error: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. User is missing privilege for entity on organization.
<soap>Code=500| ErrorCode=-2147220873| Reason=UnauthorizedAccessException| Detail=Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. User '' is missing 'Read' privilege for 'mobileproject_role' entity on organization 'xxxx'.| SupportId=5d424a0e-0e70-4f87-9df0-6d1df9809647</soap>
at WebServiceBase.ThrowSoapException(HttpException ex)
Solution: This is due to a custom role within MobileTech. For a script that will correct this issue, please contact WennSoft support at or you can call 262-317-3800.