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Process Inventory and Non-Inventory Item Transactions

Use the Mobile Inventory window to process inventory transactions that are entered by technicians. All transactions that are displayed are processed at the same time. 

If you use Sales Order Processing (SOP) invoicing, an item number cannot exist as both an inventory item and a non-inventory item. If an item in the Mobile Inventory window has the same item number as an inventory item, but it was sent from MobileTech as a non-inventory item, the location code will be blank and the item will not process successfully. You will receive an error saying that the item number/location code does not exist in Inventory. You must delete the line from the Mobile Inventory window and process the item correctly in SOP for the service call.
  1. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, select Inquiry > Service Management > Mobile Inventory Inquiry. The Mobile Inventory window is displayed. The items and part numbers that were entered by technicians for service calls are displayed. To delete a record, select the item or part and select Delete.
  2. Select Process to process the transactions.

Transactions that are processed successfully no longer appear in the window. Transactions that are not processed successfully are displayed on the Mobile Inventory report. To print the report, select Print.

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