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Enable the Tree View Folder Structure for Inspections (Optional)

Users can view their inspection reports in a tree view folder structure that matches the Questionnaire folders in Resco. For information on working with folders in the Questionnaire Designer, see

To enable the tree view folder structure:

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard. 
  2. Enter the Email and Password and select Log in
  3. In the left navigation, select Woodford.
  4. Open the MobileTech Woodford project.
  5. Under Components, select Home screen.
  6. From the top navigation, select Add IFrame.
  7. In the Configure IFrame window, select Browse.
  8. Navigate to utility > questionnaire, and select questionnaire-list_folder.html.
  9. Select OK.
  10. In the Name field, enter a descriptive name like Inspection Folder View.
  11. Select OK.
  12. Drag the Inspection Folder View so that it is under Inspections.
  13. (optional) Select an icon from the icon images to the far right to display on the device.
  14. Select Save.
  15. Publish the project.
  16. Sync the devices.
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