Enable the Automatic Timesheet Generation After Job Appointment Completion (Optional)
In MobileTech Administration, select Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard.
Enter the Email and Password and select Log in.
In the left navigation, select Woodford.
Open the MobileTech Woodford project.
From the left navigation, select Offline HTML.
Double-click Entity to open.
Double-click Appointment to open.Select appointment-form_complete-job.html and then select Edit from the menu bar.
Scroll down to FORM EXECUTIONS.
Locate //,generateTimesheetReport(appointment) //Uncomment line to turn on automatic generation of timesheets.
Remove the preceding //, and succeeding //Uncomment line to turn on automatic generation of timesheets so that the line only displays the following.
generateTimesheetReport(appointment)Select Save.
Select Save from the menu bar.
Publish the project.