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Access Resco Cloud Dashboard

The Resco Cloud Dashboard is the landing page when you log into your company on Resco Cloud. Access the Resco Cloud Dashboard in MobileTech Admin by going to Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard. For more information about the Resco Cloud Dashboard, go to

On the Resco Cloud Dashboard, you have access to:

  • Woodford: Woodford is a browser-based configuration tool for managing MobileTech. It allows you to manage connected mobile devices and to customize versions of MobileTech dedicated to a particular set of users. See Set Up Woodford for MobileTech-specific information.
  • Admin Console: Admin Console is a server administration center used to configure and manage your Resco Cloud server. 
  • Sync Dashboard: The Sync Dashboard provides visibility into synchronization performance by identifying sync errors, sync duration, and metrics like average sync time.
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